Below is an annotated version of the script ef_eof_demo.jnl
! ef_eof_demo.jnl (8/2000)
! Description: Demonstration of computing EOFs using the ! External Functions EOF_SPACE, EOF_TFUNC, EOF_STAT
The functions implements Chelton's '82 method for finding EOFs of gappy time series. All the functions perform the same computation but return different portions of the results. They take time to run as the computation inverts a matrix of size [NT by (NX*NY)]
For all functions the arguments are as follows:
! ! EOF functions Example 1: Define a function of x,y,time using trig ! functions. Decompose into spatial and time EOF's and display statistics. ! yes? LET time = t[t=1-jan-1990:10-jan-1990:24] ! 24 hour resolution time axis yes? DEFINE AXIS/x=0:10:0.5 x10 yes? DEFINE AXIS/y=0:10:0.5 y10 yes? DEFINE GRID/x=x10/y=y10/t=time g10x10 yes? SET GRID g10x10 yes? LET fcn1 = 15.* sin(omega1*t)*cos(r)/(r+1) yes? LET fcn2 = 20.* sin(omega2*t)*(sin(s)-.2*sin(q))/(s+1) yes? LET r = ((6.*(xpts-x0)^2 + 7.*(ypts-y0)^2)^0.5) yes? LET s = (((xpts-x1)^2 + 2*(ypts-y1)^2)^0.5) yes? LET q = ((3*(xpts-x0)^2 + (ypts-y1)^2)^0.5) yes? LET x0 = 2 yes? LET y0 = 4 yes? LET x1 = 5 yes? LET y1 = 7 yes? LET omega1 = 1/10*2*3.14159 yes? LET omega2 = 2 * omega1 yes? LET sample_function = fcn1 + fcn2 yes? LET xpts = x yes? LET ypts = y ! Compute the statistics on the EOF solution. EOF_STAT returns: ! for J=1 the number of EOFs returned ! for J=2 the percent variance explained by each EOF ! for J=3 the eigenvalue for each EOF yes? LET estat = eof_stat(sample_function, 0.1) yes? LIST/I=1/J=1 estat EOF_STAT(SAMPLE_FUNCTION, 0.1) X: 1 Y: 1 2.000 yes? LIST/I=1:4/J=2 estat EOF_STAT(SAMPLE_FUNCTION, 0.1) 2 1 / 1: 93.59 2 / 2: 6.41 3 / 3: 0.00 4 / 4: 0.00 yes? LIST/I=1:4/J=3 estat EOF_STAT(SAMPLE_FUNCTION, 0.1) 3 1 / 1: 1104. 2 / 2: 76. 3 / 3: 0. 4 / 4: 0. ! Plot the original function (averaged over time) and its spatial ! decomposition by EOF_SPACE yes? DEFINE VIEW/xlim=0.,.33/ylim=.6,1./text=0.2 vul yes? DEFINE VIEW/xlim=.33,.66/ylim=.6,1./text=0.2 vuc yes? DEFINE VIEW/xlim=.66,1./ylim=.6,1./text=0.2 vur yes? DEFINE VIEW/xlim=0.,.33/ylim=.1,.5/text=0.2 vll yes? DEFINE VIEW/xlim=.33,.66/ylim=.1,.5/text=0.2 vlc yes? DEFINE VIEW/xlim=.66,1./ylim=.1,.5/text=0.2 vlr yes? SET VIEW vul; CONTOUR/TITLE="FCN1" fcn1[l=1:10@ave] yes? SET VIEW vuc; CONTOUR/TITLE="FCN2" fcn2[l=1:10@ave] yes? SET VIEW vur; CONTOUR/TITLE="FCN1 + FCN2" sample_function[l=1:10@ave] yes? LET exy = eof_space(sample_function, 0.1) yes? SET VIEW vll; CONTOUR/L=1/TITLE="EOF 1" exy yes? SET VIEW vlc; CONTOUR/L=2/TITLE="EOF 2" exyyes? CANCEL VIEW ! Now plot the time amplitude functions. yes? LET etim = eof_tfunc(sample_function, 0.1) yes? SET VIEW ul yes? PLOT/I=1/TITLE=taf1 etim yes? SET VIEW ur yes? PLOT/I=2/TITLE=taf2 etim ! should be all bad flags... yes? SET VIEW ll yes? PLOT/I=3/TITLE=taf3 etim
yes? CANCEL DATA/ALL yes? CANCEL VARIABLE/ALL yes? CANCEL REGION ! A second example, using the COADS climatology data. ! yes? USE coads_climatology yes? SET REGION/X=67w:1w/Y=11S:11N ! Compute and save the spatial EOF functions. These have the same units ! as the data. yes? LET eof_xyfcn = eof_space(sst, 0.5) yes? SAVE/CLOBBER/FILE=sst_clim_eof_space.cdf eof_xyfcn yes? LISTing to file sst_clim_eof_space.cdf yes? CANCEL DATA/ALL yes? CANCEL VARIABLE/ALL yes? CANCEL REGION yes? USE sst_clim_eof_space.cdf yes? SET VIEW ul; fill/l=1/TITLE="eof 1" eof_xyfcn; go land yes? SET VIEW ur; fill/l=2/TITLE="eof 2" eof_xyfcn; go land yes? SET VIEW ll; fill/l=3/TITLE="eof 3" eof_xyfcn; go land
yes? CANCEL DATA/ALL yes? CANCEL VARIABLE/ALL yes? CANCEL REGION ! Compute the statistics on the EOFs: number of EOFs scaled ! and returned; Percent variance explained by each EOF; and the ! eigenvalues. yes? USE coads_climatology yes? SET REGION/X=67w:1w/Y=11S:11N yes? LET eofstat = eof_stat(sst[X=67w:1w,Y=11S:11N], 0.5) yes? let nout = eofstat[i=1,j=1] yes? let pcts = eofstat[i=1:`nout`,j=2] !-> DEFINE VARIABLE pcts = eofstat[i=1:3,j=2] yes? let eigenv = eofstat[i=1:`nout`,j=3] !-> DEFINE VARIABLE eigenv = eofstat[i=1:3,j=3] yes? LIST nout VARIABLE : EOFSTAT[I=1,J=1] DATA SET : COADS Monthly Climatology (1946-1989) FILENAME : coads_climatology.des FILEPATH : /home/ja9/tmap/fer_dsets/descr/ X : 1 Y : 1 285.0 yes? LIST/I=1:6 pcts VARIABLE : EOFSTAT[I=1:285,J=2] DATA SET : COADS Monthly Climatology (1946-1989) FILENAME : coads_climatology.des FILEPATH : /home/ja9/tmap/fer_dsets/descr/ SUBSET : 6 points (X) Y : 2 2 2 1 / 1: 86.62 2 / 2: 5.97 3 / 3: 3.89 4 / 4: 1.53 5 / 5: 0.67 6 / 6: 0.38 yes? LIST/I=1:6 eigenv VARIABLE : EOFSTAT[I=1:285,J=3] DATA SET : COADS Monthly Climatology (1946-1989) FILENAME : coads_climatology.des FILEPATH : /home/ja9/tmap/fer_dsets/descr/ SUBSET : 6 points (X) Y : 3 3 3 1 / 1: 249.4 2 / 2: 17.2 3 / 3: 11.2 4 / 4: 4.4 5 / 5: 1.9 6 / 6: 1.1 yes? CANCEL REGION ! Compute and save time amplitude functions: Note they are dimensionless. yes? USE coads_climatology yes? LET eoftime = eof_tfunc(sst[X=67w:1w,Y=11S:11N], 0.5) SAVE/CLOBBER/FILE=sst_clim_eof_tfunc.cdf eoftime[i=1:`nout`] !-> LIST/FORMAT=CDF/CLOBBER/FILE=sst_clim_eof_tfunc.cdf eoftime[i=1:3] LISTing to file sst_clim_eof_tfunc.cdf yes? CANCEL VARIABLE/ALL yes? CANCEL VIEW yes? USE sst_clim_eof_tfunc.cdf yes? SET VIEW ul yes? PLOT/I=1/TITLE="time function 1"/VLIMITS=-2:2:0.5 eoftime yes? SET VIEW ur yes? PLOT/I=2/TITLE="time function 2"/VLIMITS=-2:2:0.5 eoftime yes? SET VIEW ll yes? PLOT/I=3/TITLE="time function 3"/VLIMITS=-2:2:0.5 eoftime