! Starting with Ferret v5.53, we can send multi-line labels ! to plots, including the title, axis labels, and moveable labels. ! Separate the lines using the separator , which can be ! uppercase or lowercase. set win/siz=0.5 set view full plot/i=1:100/title="multi line titlewith the second line pretty long: \ so Ferret will resize the entire title. Titles are \ sized according to the longest line and lines are centered individually" i*cos(i/8) plot/over/i=1:100 i*sin(i/8) pause plot/i=1:100/title="@p2TWO-LINERED TITLE"/set i*cos(i/8) ppl ylab "A four-line y label.second linethird linefourth line" ppl xlab "a two-line X label. Not good together with a multi-line title" ppl plot Message "For overlay plots the title is used for a key at the lower left" plot/over/i=1:100/title="short two-linetitle for the overlay line" i*sin(i/8) plot/over/i=1:100/title="here is the key for thesecond overlay line" i*sin(i/4) message "Now some moveable labels with the LABEL command." label 10,80,-1,-20,0.2,"@CSfonts and @p2colorsa@p1nd at an angle\ no@p3w green and @CRCR fontback@CS to script" label 30,-70,-1,40,0.2,"first line, then blank third line, all rotated" label/nouser 6.5,6,1,90,0.2,"@p2Another @CImoveable labelSet to @CRCR and @p4P4\ at 90 degrees" message "a set of multi-line key labels." plot/title="multi-line key labels"/i=1:100 i*sin(i/12) plot/over/i=1:100/title="Three-linessecond lineoverlay 1" i*sin(i/6) plot/over/i=1:100/title="Two-linesoverlay 2" i*cos(i/6) plot/over/i=1:100/title="Three-linessecond lineoverlay 3" -1*cos(i/10) plot/over/i=1:100/title="One-line" i*cos(i/8) plot/over/i=1:100/title="Three-linesecondoverlay5" i*cos(i/14) plot/over/i=1:100/title="Two-lineoverlay6" i*cos(i/20) plot/over/i=1:100/title="Three-linesecondoverlay7" i*sin(i/12) message "now a very long bunch of text. The maximum for a single label is 2048 characters." plot/i=1:100 i*cos(i/8) label 3,95,-1,0,0.14,\ "@CRHere is a long label, made with the LABEL command:\ Ferret is an interactive computer visualization and analysis\ environment designed to meet the needs of oceanographers and\ meteorologists analyzing large and complex gridded data sets. It\ runs on most Unix systems, and on Windows NT/9x using X\ windows for display. It can be installed to run from a Web\ browser (WebFerret) for use while away from your desk or\ from a system lacking X windows software. It can transparently\ access extensive remote Internet data bases using OPeNDAP,\ formerly known as DODS. See the dods webpage\ \ Ferret was developed by the Thermal Modeling and Analysis\ Project (TMAP) at PMEL in Seattle to analyze the outputs of its\ numerical ocean models and compare them with gridded,\ observational data. The model data sets are generally multi-\ gigabyte in size with mixed 3 and 4-dimensional variables defined\ on staggered grids. Ferret offers a Mathematica-like approach to\ analysis, new variables may be defined interactively as\ mathematical expressions involving data set variables.\ Calculations may be applied over arbitrarily shaped regions. Fully\ documented graphics are produced with a single command.\ \ Many excellent software packages have been developed recently\ for @p2scientific visualization@p1. The features that make Ferret distinctive\ among these packages are Mathematica-like flexibility,\ geophysical formatting, intelligent connection to its data base,\ memory management for very large calculations, and symmetrical\ processing in 4 dimensions."