NOAA / PMEL - Thermal Modeling and Analysis Project

Release Notes for Ferret version 4.2

Beta release 1 -- Feb 1996

Last modified: 16 Feb., 1996

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New in version 4.2 of Ferret:

  1. new regridding transforms (@VAR,@MIN,@MAX,@NGD,@SUM) give statistics (variance, minimum, maximum, number of values) of the regridding
    e.g. my_var[GX=new_grid@VAR]

  2. control interpolation individually on each axis using @ITP
    e.g. my_var[Z=11.7@ITP]

  3. dynamic grids make regridding much simpler
    e.g. my_var[GX=new_xaxis]

  4. dynamic axes make regridding simpler still
    e.g. my_var[GX=175w:75w:10]

  5. dynamic axis notation applied to pseudo-variables makes abstract expressions simpler
    e.g. PLOT SIN(X[GX=0:3.14:.1])

  6. modulo (climatological) regridding transformations calculate climatologies immediately
    e.g. my_time_series[GT=annual_axis@MOD]

  7. modulo (climatological) regridding transforms compute regridding statistics (variance, minimum, maximum, number of values)
    e.g. my_time_series[GT=annual_axis@MODVAR]

  8. multi-century time axes are now supported

  9. data set-specific user-defined variables make multi-data set calculations easier and facilitate data editing
    e.g. LET/D=levitus_climatology sst = temp[Z=0]

  10. Controls are provided for the numerical format of immediate mode results
    e.g. SAY `1/300,BAD=-999,PRECISION=1`
    will print "0.003" instead of "0.0033333"

  11. Controls are provided to find the size and shape of immediate mode results
    e.g. SAY `U[Z=@AVE,L=1],RETURN=SHAPE`
    will result in "XY"

  12. Symbols may be edited and checked using the same controls that apply to GO file arguments make certain the symbol "shape" is "X","Y","Z",or "T" use
    ($shape%|X|Y|Z|T|<Error: not 1-dimensional%)

  13. /PRECISION=# controls the digit precision of LIST output
    e.g. LIST/PRECISION=5 sst[d=coads_climatology]

  14. tab and comma-delimited output is available
    e.g. LIST/FORMAT=tab-delimited SST[d=coads_climatology]

  15. SHOW DATA/VARIABLES shows units, grid, and missing data flags in addition to the standard output

  16. SHOW TRANSFORMS shows regridding transforms as well as axis transforms

  17. titles, units and bad data flags of file variables can be changed on the fly
    e.g. SET VARIABLE/TITLE="My own title" sst[D=coads_climatology]

  18. new symbols "PPL$XPIXEL" and "PPL$YPIXEL" give access to the pixel size of the output window.
    e.g. ($PPL$XPIXEL) ($PPL$YPIXEL)

  19. The backslash character "\" can be used to "escape" exclamation points, grave accents, semicolons, and slashes
    e.g. MESSAGE Incredible\! What a message\! ! with a comment

  20. new contour level controls make it easy to automate the number and character of the levels without knowing the data
    e.g. SHADE/LEVELS=20C uwnd[D=coads_climatology,T=15-jan]

  21. Ferret attempts to resolve conflicting regions in a way which appears natural to the user
    e.g. LIST/I=1:3 I[I=1:10] will list just 3 values

  22. The Ferret utility Fprint now supports screen previews
    e.g. Fprint -X my_metafile.plt

  23. The STAT command now has a qualifier /BRIEF - faster and terser
    e.g. STAT/BRIEF

  24. Some new journal files for plot layout and "stick vectors"
    e.g. GO margins 1 .8 .5 1

  25. New palette light_centered
    e.g. SHADE/PALETTE=light_centered/LEVELS=C my_anomalies

Detailed explanations of new features in version 4.2

  1. new regridding transforms (G=@VAR,@NGD,@SUM,@MIN,@MAX) give statistics (variance, sum, number of values, minimum, maximum) of the regridding

    New regridding transformations expand upon the style that has been available using G=@AVE. The G=@AVE transformation is most commonly used for regridding closely-spaced points to more widely spaced points. It computes the weighted average of the source points that lie fully or partially within the grid box of each destination grid point. Weighting is based on the relative span of source axis that lies within each destination grid box.

    The new transformations compute the statistics of this regridding:

    the variance of the points being averaged
    the number of source points contributing to the destination result
    the weighted sum of the source points contributing to the destination result
    the minimum value of the points being averaged
    the maximum value of the points being averaged

    The new transformations are qualitatively different from previous regridding transformations (G=@LIN, G=@AVE, ...) in that they compute statistical attributes of the original field which may have differing units and differing character from the original. For example, G=@VAR will produce a result with units that are the squared units from the source variable; G=@NGD will produce a dimensionless (no units) count of numbers of points. Essentially these transformations provide a means to perform a given calculation over a limited span of coordinates and repeat that calculation for a series of contiguous spans. For example, if we wish to compute the variance the variable sst over 10 degree longitude range from 180 to 170w we could use the syntax sst[X=180:170w@VAR]. Now, if we wish to perform the same operation 10 times in 10-degree wide bands from 180 to 80w we could instead use G=@VAR regridding as in (see Dynamic Grids in these release notes for an explanation of the "GX=" syntax):

    	DEFINE AXIS/X=175w:85w:10/UNITS=degrees x10deg
    	LET sst10 = sst[GX=x10deg@VAR]
    Note that the variance (G=@VAR), sum (G=@SUM), and number of valid points (G=@NGD) are computed using the identical weighting scheme to G=@AVE whereas the minimum and maximum (G=@MIN and G=@MAX) are discrete (unweighted). For the unweighted calculations each source point contributes 100% to the destination point in whose grid box it lies. If the source point falls identically on the boundary between two destination grid cells it contributes 100% to the destination grid box to its right - the next higher coordinate value.

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  2. control interpolation individually on each axis using @ITP

    Interpolation in past versions of Ferret has been controlled exclusively via a mode: SET MODE INTERPOLATE caused all data accesses (all variables and all axes) to be interpolated when world coordinates did not lie exactly on axis points. In Ferret version 4.20 interpolation can be applied on an axis by axis and variable by variable basis like any other transformation. To apply interpolation use the transformation "@ITP" in the same way as, say, @SBX, specifying the desired location to which to interpolate. For example, on a Z axis with grid points at Z=10 and Z=20 the syntax my_var[Z=14@ITP] would interpolate to Z=14 with the computation 0.6*my_var[Z=10]+0.4*my_var[Z=20].

    The example which follows illustrates the interpolation control that is possible using @ITP:

    	   SET DATA coads_climatology
    	! with modal interpolation
    	   LIST/L=1/X=180/Y=0 sst     ! interpolates both lat and long
    	! with no interpolation
    	   LIST/L=1/X=180/Y=0 sst     ! gives value at 179E, 1S
    	! using @ITP to interpolate in longitude, only
    	   LIST/L=1/Y=0 sst[X=180@ITP] ! latitude remains 1S
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  3. dynamic grids make regridding much simpler to apply.

    In Ferret version 4.20 it is often possible to avoid explicitly defining grids. Ferret will create the grids dynamically provided the clues provided are unambiguous. This is useful in two common situations:

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  4. dynamic axes make regridding simpler still

    The syntax "GX=lo:hi:delta" can now be used in square brackets modifying a variable name to indicate the dynamic creation of an axis with the indicated range and spacing and the immediate regridding of the variable to a grid containing that axis. For example SST[GX=175W:75W:10] will create a dynamic axis of 10 degree regular point spacing, will create a dynamic grid incorporating this axis (see previous section), and will regrid the variable SST to this grid.

    Similarly, by referring to the grid indices rather than their world coordinates the expression SST[GI=1:100:5] will create a dynamic axis which subsamples every 5th longitude point from SST. In this case the points of the resulting axis may be irregularly spaced if the points of the original axis were also irregular.

    As with the dynamic regridding described above, transformations can be specified to indicate the regridding technique. Thus SST[GI=1:100:5@AVE] will use averaging instead of the default linear interpolation to perform the regridding.

    As a notational convenience the "G" may be dropped when referring to a dynamic axes. Thus SST[X=175W:75W:10] is equivalent to SST[GX=175W:75W:10] and SST[I=1:100:5@AVE] is equivalent to SST[GI=1:100:5@AVE]. When using this notational convenience keep in mind that a regridding is taking place so the transformation which is applied (if any) must be a regridding transformation (see SHOW TRANSFORMS).

    The lower figure of this comparison plot illustrates the effect of dynamic axes in the command

    	SHADE SST[GX=175W:75W:10]
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  5. dynamic axis notation applied to pseudo-variables makes abstract expressions simpler

    The same notation used for dynamic axes may also be applied to pseudo-variables providing a simple means for creating arrays of values. For example X[GX=0.2:1:0.2] is a vector of 5 points from 0.2 to 1 at a regular spacing of 0.2 units. The vector is oriented in the X direction.

    An example of using such a vector is

    	PLOT SIN(X[GX=0:3.14:.1])
    Note that when the lo:high:delta notation is applied to T or L expressed as calendar dates the units of the delta value will be hours so that, for example, L[GT=1-jan-1980:1-feb-1980:24] is 32 integer spaced at regular 24 hour intervals.

    As a notational convenience the "G" may be dropped when referring to a dynamic pseudo-variables. Thus X[X=0.2:1:0.2] is equivalent to X[GX=0.2:1:0.2].

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  6. modulo (climatological) regridding transformations calculate climatologies immediately

    Ferret version 4.20 can create climatologies from time series simply by regridding to a climatological axis with a modulo regridding transformation. For example, if the axis named month_reg is a 12 point monthly climatological axis then the expression

    	LET sst_climatology = sst[D=coads,GT=month_reg@MOD]
    is a 12 month climatology computed by averaging the full time domain of the input variable (576 points for coads) modulo fashion into the 12 points of the climatological axis.

    To generate a climatology based on a restricted range of input data simply define an intermediate variable with the desired points. For example a monthly climatological time series based on data from the 1960s could be computed using

    	LET sst_1960s = sst[D=coads,T=1-jan-1960:31-dec-1969]
    	PLOT sst_1960s[GT=month_reg@MOD]
    In a similar fashion intermediate variables can be defined that mask out only certain input points.

    This example shows the entire sequence necessary to generate a plot of climatological SST at 40N, 40W based on the January 1982 to December 1992 Fleet Numerical wind data set.

      ! use the predefined climatological axes
      USE climatological_axes
      CANC DATA climatological_axes
      ! use the Fleet Numerical winds
      SET DATA monthly_navy_winds
      ! plot the raw data
      SET REGION/X=40w/Y=40n
      plot uwnd
      ! plot the 12 month climatology
      LET uwnd_clim = uwnd[GT=month_reg@MOD]
      PLOT uwnd_clim
      ! since uwnd_clim is on a climatological axis
      ! Ferret can also plot it on the calendar axis with the raw data
      PLOT/T=16-jan-1982:17-dec-1992 uwnd,uwnd_clim

    In many cases the volume of input data needed to perform climatological calculations is very large. In the example above the command

    	CONTOUR/X=0:360/Y=90s:90n sst_climatology[L=1]
    to plot January from the climatology would require Nx*Ny*Nt=72*72*576=3 Megawords of data. Such calculations may be too large to fit into memory. However, if the region is fully specified (as shown for the X and Y limits in the example) Ferret's internal memory manager will break up the calculation as needed to produce the result. (See Memory Use in the Ferret Users Guide for further details)

    Unlike other transformations and regridding modulo regridding is performed as an **unweighted** axerage: each non-missing source point contributes 100% of its weight to the destination grid box within which it falls. If the source and destination axes are not properly aligned this can lead to apparent shifts in the data. For example, if a monthly time series has data points at the first of each month and a climatological axis is defined at midmonths then unweighted modulo averaging will lead to an apparent 1/2 month shift. To avoid situations of this type simply regrid to the climatological axis using linear interpolation prior to the modulo regridding.

    Here is an example that illustrates the situation and the use of linear interpolation to repair it

      ! define test_var, an illustrative variable with 1 year periodicity
      ! Note: test_var points are at the **beginnings** of months
      DEFINE AXIS/T=1-jan-1970:1-jan-1974:`365.25/12`/UNITS=days t10years
      DEFINE GRID/T=t10years gg
      LET test_var = SIN(L[G=gg]*2*3.14/12)
      ! plot 4 years of the cycle
      PLOT test_var
      ! define climatological axes at the midpoints of months
      USE climatological_axes
      CANC DATA climatological_axes
      ! notice that modulo regridding appears to shift the data
      ! (due to mis-aligned source and destination axes)
      PLOT/OVER/T=1-jan-1970:1-jan-1974 test_var[GT=month_reg@MOD]
      ! to avoid the shift we can first regrid test_var to mid-month
      ! points using linear interpolation (the default regridding method)
      ! notice that the function test_var is largely unchanged by this
      LET test_var_centered = test_var[GT=month_reg]
      PLOT/OVER/T=1-jan-1970:1-jan-1974 test_var_centered
      ! finally perform a modulo regridding on well-aligned data
      ! notice that the shift is gone
      PLOT/OVER/T=1-jan-1970:1-jan-1974 test_var_centered[GT=month_reg]
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  7. modulo (climatological) regridding transforms compute regridding statistics (variance, minimum, maximum, number of values)

    In addition to the modulo averaging calculation performed by @MOD other statistics of the regridding are also provided. All modulo regridding calculations are unweighted as discussed under @MOD.

    the variance of source points within each destination grid box (SUM(var-varbar)^2)/(n-1))
    the sum of the source points within each destination grid box
    the number of source points contributing to each destination grid box
    the minimum value of the source points contributing to each destination grid box
    the maximum value of the source points contributing to each destination grid box
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  8. multi-century time axes are now supported

    Try for example,

    	PLOT SIN(T[T=1-jan-1950:1-jan-2050:`30*24`]/1000)
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  9. data set-specific user-defined variables make multi-data set calculations easier and facilitate data editing

    Previous to version 4.2 of Ferret the command LET (alias for DEFINE VARIABLE) defined only global variable names. That is, the command "LET varname = expression" defined "varname" such that it superseded any other variables by that name in data sets. The qualifier "Dataset=" (LET/Dataset=...) now allows you detailed control over the multiple use of the same name.

    If the name or number of a data set is supplied then the /dataset qualifier indicates that this variable name is to be defined only in the specified data set. For example

       LET/dataset=coads_climatology V_geostrophic = SLP[X=@DDC]/(F*RHO)
    defined V_geostrophic only in data set coads_climatology. In other data sets the name V_geostrophic may refer to file variables or it may be given different definitions or it may be undefined. The data set may be specified either by name as in this example or by number as shown by SHOW DATA. Note that variables defined using LET/dataset=[name_or_number] will be shown in the SHOW DATA output for that data set as well as in SHOW VARIABLES.

    If the /dataset qualifier is applied without specifying a data set name then the interpretation is different. In this case the named variable becomes a default definition -- one which applies only if a data-set specific variable of the same name does not exist. For example, if the command

       LET/DATASET sst = temp[Z=0]
    is issued then sst[D=levitus_climatology] will evaluate to temp[D=levitus_climatology,Z=0] because the variable sst does not exist in levitus_climatology, but sst[D=coads_climatology] will refer to the file variable name sst within the coads_climatology data set.

    Let/D is especially useful for editing data sets because it gives a ready way to distinguish between the pre-edit and post-edit versions of the variable. In this example we edit the data set etopo60, replacing a small rectangle in the Pacific Ocean:

    ! Do not use memory-cached data when editing.
    ! Always reread the most recent version from the file.
    ! Save an exact copy of the original data for editing.
    ! We will call our edited file "new_etopo.cdf"
       SET DATA etopo60
       LET/D=etopo60 depth = rose
       SET VARIABLE/TITLE="edited etopo depth"/UNITS=meters depth
       SAVE/FILE=new_etopo.cdf depth
       USE new_etopo.cdf
    ! "rose[d=etopo60]"    is the original.
    ! "depth[d=new_etopo]" is the edited version.
    ! Redefine "depth[d=etopo60]" as a tool for for selective editing.
       LET/D=etopo60 depth = rose[D=etopo60]-rose[D=etopo60] + correction
    ! An example edit: replace a small region with the value 500
       LET correction = 500
       SAVE/APPEND/FILE=new_etopo.cdf depth[D=etopo60,X=180:175w,Y=0:2n]
       PLOT/X=160e:160w/Y=1n rose[D=etopo60], depth[D=new_etopo]
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  10. A new syntax provides controls over the formatting of output from immediate mode expressions

    Previously Ferret always formatted valid immediate mode results using 5 significant digits and formatted invalid immediate mode results as "bad". New controls allow you to specify the formatting of immediate mode results in both valid and invalid cases.

    The syntax to achieve this control is to include keyword=value pairs inside the grave accents following the immediate mode expression and set off by commas. The recognized keywords are "BAD=" and "PRECISION=". Only the first character of the keyword is significant so they may be abbreviated as short as "B=" and "P=".

    can be used to control the number of significant digits displayed, up to a maximum of 10 (actually at most 7 digits are significant since Ferret calculations are performed in single precision). Ferret will, however, truncate terminating zeros following the decimal place. Thus
    	say `3/10,PRECISION=7`
    will result in
    instead of 0.3000000.

    If the #digits given is negative Ferret will interpret this as the desired number of decimal places rather than the number of significant digits. Thus

    	say `35501/100,P=-2`
    will result in
    instead of 355.

    In the case of a negative precision value, Ferret will again drop terminating zeros to the right of the decimal point.

    can be used to control the text which is produced when the result of the immediate mode expression is invalid. Thus
    	say `1/0,BAD=missing`
    will result in
    	say `1/0,B=-999`
    will result in

    RETURN=SHAPE (and other options)
    can be used to reveal the size and shape of the result. See the section immediately following for a detailed description.

    PRECISION=, BAD= and RESULT= may be specified simultaneously, in any order, separated by commas. If RESULT= is included, however, the other keywords will be ignored.

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    The immediate mode syntax can reveal the size and shape of the result

    The keyword RETURN=, used in the syntax (described immediately above) that controls the formatting of immediate mode results, can reveal the size and shape of the result. RETURN= may take arguments

    • SHAPE

    returns the 4-dimensional shape of the result -- i.e. a list of those axes along which the result comprises more than a single point. For example, a global sea surface temperature field at a single point in time:
    	say `SST[T=1-JAN-1983],RETURN=SHAPE`
    will result in
    RETURN=ISTART (and similarly JSTART, KSTART, and LSTART)
    returns the starting index of the result along the indicated axis: I, J, K, or L. For example, if CAST is a vertical profile with points every 10 meters of depth starting at 10 meters then
    	say `CAST[Z=100:200],RETURN=KSTART`
    will result in
    RETURN=IEND (and similarly JEND, KEND, and LEND)
    returns the ending index of the result along the indicated axis: I, J, K, or L. In the example above
    	say `CAST[Z=100:200],RETURN=KEND`
    will result in
    The size and shape information revealed by RESULT= is useful in creating sophisticated scripts. For example, these lines could be used to verify that the user has passed a 1-dimensional field as the first argument to a script
      LET my_expr = $1
      QUERY/IGNORE ($SHAPE%|X|Y|Z|T|<Expression must be 1-dimensional%)

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    Symbols may be edited and checked using the same controls that apply to journal file arguments

    The Ferret version 3.2 Users Guide contains a section called Arguments to GO tools which describes the syntax for checking and editing arguments. The same syntax now applies to symbols defined by DEFINE SYMBOL. As with the GO tool arguments, all string manipulations are case insensitive.

    In brief the capabilities include:

    default strings
    If a symbol is undefined a default value may be provided using the pattern ($my_symbol%my default string%). For example,
    check against list of acceptable values
    A list of acceptable string values may be provided using the pattern ($my_symbol%|option 1|option 2|%). For example,
    string substitution
    Any of the optional string matches that are provided can invoke a substitution using the pattern ($my_symbol%|option 1>replacement|%). For example,
    Asterisk ("*") provides default substitution
    The asterisk character matches any string. For example,
    will always result in "X","Y","Z","T", or "other".

    Asterisk ("*") provides limited string edited
    The asterisk character, when used on the right hand side of a string substitution, inserts the original symbol contents
    	($SHAPE%|*>The shape is *|%)
    error message control
    An provided error message can be provided for use if the symbol is undefined or doesn't match any options. The pattern for this is ($my_symbol%|option 1|option 2|<error message text %). For example,
    	($SHAPE%|X|Y|Z|T|<Not a 1-dimensional shape%)
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  13. /PRECISION=# controls the digit precision of LIST output

    Using the qualifier /PRECISION=# the output precision of the LIST command may be easily controlled. This qualifier functions exactly as does the SET LIST/PRECISION= command but it applies only to the current command.

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  14. tab and comma-delimited output is available

    Tab and commma-delimited output format suitable to ingest into spreadsheets is now available from the LIST command. By default the listing will also contain an explanatory header. Use the /NOHEAD qualifier to suppress the header. Use /PRECISION= (see above) to control the number of significant digit in the output. Use /ORDER= as usual to permute the order of the output axes. Only the first 3 characters of the format specified are significant so "LIST/FORMAT=comma-delimited" may be shortened to "LIST/FORMAT=com" and similarly "tab-delimited" may be shortened to "tab".


        SET DATA coads_climatology
        LIST/L=1/FORMAT=tab sst[X=170e:180,Y=5s:5n]
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  15. SHOW DATA/VARIABLES shows units, grid, and missing data flags in addition to the standard output

    For example, the SHOW DATA/VAR output for the variable "TEMP" might appear as:

     name     title                I         J         K         L
     TEMP     TEMPERATURE         1:160     4:98      1:2       1:480
            deg. C on grid PS3DT1 with -1.E+34 & 0 for missing data
            X=130E:70W  Y=23.2S:44.3N  Z=0:20  
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  16. SHOW TRANSFORMS shows regridding transforms as well as axis transforms

    The output of SHOW TRANSFORMS now displays

    variable transforms e.g.SST[T=1-jan:15-mar@DDC]
       code        description                  code        description
       ----        -----------                  ----        -----------
       @ITP        interpolated                 @SBX        box smoothed
       @AVE        averaged                     @SBN        binomial smoothed
       @VAR        variance                     @SWL        Welch smoothed
       @SUM        summed                       @SHN        Hanning smoothed
       @RSU        running sum                  @SPZ        Parzen smoothed
       @SHF        shifted                      @FAV        ave-filled
       @MIN        minimum                      @FLN        linear-filled
       @MAX        maximum                      @FNR        nearest-filled
       @DDC        centered derivative          @NGD        number of valid
       @DDF        forward derivative           @NBD        number flagged bad
       @DDB        backwards derivative         @LOC        location
       @DIN        integrated                   @WEQ        weighted equal
       @IIN        indef. integ.
    regridding transforms e.g.SST[GX=x5deg@AVE]
       code        description                  code        description
       ----        -----------                  ----        -----------
       @LIN        lin. interp.                 @NGD        # gd pts
       @AVE        box avgd                     @MOD        modulo ave
       @NRS        nearest                      @MODVAR     modulo var
       @ASN        1 to 1                       @MODNGD     # gd mod pts
       @VAR        variance                     @MODSUM     modulo sum
       @MIN        minimum                      @MODMIN     modulo min
       @MAX        maximum                      @MODMAX     modulo min
       @SUM        sum

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  17. titles, units and bad data flags of file variables can be changed on the fly

    The command SET VARIABLE, which previous to version 4.2 could be applied only to user-defined variables (defined with LET) of "EZ" variables (ASCII and IEEE binary files) can now be applied to NetCDF and GT files. The modified titles, units, and bad data flags do not effect the data files -- they effect only the current session. All outputs - plots, listings, and data files created - will be effected by the changes.

    Note that Ferret maintains 2 missing data flags for each variable though typically only one of the flags is used.

    will effect only the second of these, generally having the effect of masking additional data without effecting the original mask. Use SHOW DATA/VARIABLES to query the missing data flag(s).

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  18. The new symbols "PPL$XPIXEL" and "PPL$YPIXEL" give access to the pixel size of the output window.

    The symbols PPL$XPIXEL and PPL$YPIXEL will not appear in the output of SHOW SYMBOLS/ALL because they are created on the fly in the proper context of the current putput window. An example of usage:

       PLOT SIN(X[X=0:3.14:.1])
       SAY ($PPL$XPIXEL)x($PPL$YPIXEL)		! ==> 809x698
       SAY ($PPL$XPIXEL)x($PPL$YPIXEL)		! ==> 530x457
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  19. The backslash character "\" can be used to "escape" exclamation points, grave accents, semicolons, and slashes

    The backslash character can be used to embed syntax elements that might otherwise lead to inappropriate interpretation. This is especially useful with the SPAWN command (to permit the full range of characters for Unix commands). A backslash immediately preceding an exclamation mark ("\!") will suppress the interpretation of the exclamation mark as the end of the line. A backslash immediately preceding a grave accent ("\`") will suppress the interpretation of the grave accent as enclosing an immediate mode expression. A backslash immediately preceding a semicolon ("\;") will suppress the interpretation of the semicolon as a delimiter between commands.

    Each of these lines would cause errors if the back slashes were omitted.

    	SAY Incredible\! What a message\!   ! with a comment
    	SPAWN echo \`date\`
    	SAY Here is one line\; and here is another.
    	SAY \/qualifier is the syntax for command qualifiers
    Instead the output of these commands looks like
    	Incredible! What a message!
    	Tue Feb 6 14:08:53 PST 1996
    	Here is one line; and here is another.
    	/qualifier is the syntax for command qualifiers
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  20. new contour level controls make it easy to automate the number and character of the levels without knowing the data

    A number of easy shorcuts are now available to specify contour limits in a general way. (All of the previous detailed controls still exist and their function is unchanged.)

    specifies approximately the number of levels to be used For example,
    	SHADE/LEVELS=20 sst
    It is not advised to exceed /LEVELS=200.

    Requests that the levels be centered around zero. This is suitable for displaying quantities that are centered around zero such as anomalies or velocities. The "C" notation may be combined with the suggested number of levels as in
    	SHADE/LEVELS=20C/PALETTE=light_centered UWND
    which requests approximately 20 levels centered around zero.

    Specified the delta value to be used ("xxx"). For example
    The "D" notation may be combined with the "C" notation as in
    	SHADE/LEVELS=2.5DC/PALETTE=light_centered uwnd
    which requests levels centered around zero with a delta value of 2.5

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  21. Ferret attempts to resolve conflicting regions in a way which appears natural to the user

    Conflicting region information can be given to Ferret in obvious ways such as

    	LIST/I=1:3 I[I=1:10]
    in which it is not clear if the request is for 10 points or for 3, or in subtler, disguised ways such as
    	LET A = I[I=1:10]
    	LIST/I=1:3 A
    In both examples Ferret would resolve the conflict by listing just the three values I=1:3.

    Internally, Ferret uses the region closest to the variable to perform the calculation. Thus, in both of the examples above Ferret will perform the calculation on I=1:10, since the "[I=1:10]" directly modifies the variable name. If Ferret sees conflicting regions it attempts to use the regions further from the variable to clip the calculation. Thus 10 points are clipped to 3 in the above examples.

    Unresolvable conflicts such as

    	LIST/I=11:13 I[I=1:10]
    will result in a warning message that invalid limits have been ignored.

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  22. The Ferret utility Fprint now supports screen previews

    The Ferret utility Fprint now supports screen previews of Ferret metafiles, with the -X option. The help functions in both Fprint and its underlying utility gksm2ps provide instructions on obtaining a preview of a metafile.

    • As with other options, you may use wildcards to select more than one file
    • Preview reproduces colors and line styles as originally created in Ferret
    • Files will not be renamed by the utility when previewed
    • Sizing is automatic, to a setting of 'set window/size=0.7'
    • Prompts for the optional deletion of metafiles as you view them
    • Displays on the Xserver specified by the environment variable DISPLAY

    For example

    	Fprint -X metafile.plt*
    sequentially displays the metafiles with names matching "metafile.plt*", pausing after each for your decision to retain or delete the file. The default action (upon carriage return) is to retain the displayed file. Enter 'y' to delete it.

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  23. The STAT command now has a qualifier /BRIEF which is slightly faster and has a more concise output

    The output of STAT/BRIEF excludes the header information (data set, title, units and region) and omits the computation of variance.

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  24. New journal files:

    GO margins
    As a query (without arguments) this script tells you how much white space there is -- top, bottom, left, right -- between the edges of the plotting box and the edges of the window or viewport in PLOT+ "inches". By specifying the desired amount of white space as arguments this script allows you to shift and resize the plot box. Great for precise, easy plot layout!

    Note that you must use this script after SET VIEWPORT and SET WINDOW/ASPECT as those commands will override the effects of GO margins. Use

    	GO/HELP margins
    for special instructions regarding the PLOT command when plotting multiple variables.

    GO stick_vectors
    Draw a traditional oceanographic-style progressive stick vector plot -- suitable for winds and currents. Use
    	GO/HELP stick_vectors
    for on-line help.

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  25. New palettes:

    useful for zero-centered contour levels (anomalies or velocities) This spectrum emphasizes the regions of significantl non-zero values. Use this palette together with the /LEVELS=C feature

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