The coordinates on the axis may be anywhere within the cells defined by the upper and
lower cell bounds. There is no change to how Ferret uses the upper and lower bounds of of
axis cells (also known as boxes). They may be listed or otherwise accessed using the
pseudo-variables XBOXLO, XBHOXH, YBOXLO, etc.
netcdf irrx { dimensions: XAX = 4 ; bnds = 2 ; variables: double XAX(XAX) ; XAX:point_spacing = "uneven" ; XAX:axis = "X" ; XAX:bounds = "XAX_bnds" ; double XAX_bnds(XAX, bnds) ; float V(XAX) ; V:missing_value = -1.e+34f ; V:_FillValue = -1.e+34f ; V:long_name = "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" ; // global attributes: :history = "FERRET V5.60 4-Jun-04" ; data: XAX = 1, 2, 5, 6 ; XAX_bnds = 0., 1.5, 1.5, 2.5, 2.5, 5.5, 5.5, 7. ; V = 28.20222, 28.36456, 28.35381, 28.2165, 28.48889, 28.31556 ; }The CF standard allows for axes in a file that may have discontiguous bounds (the upper bound of one cell is not the same as the lower bound of the next cell). Ferret does not allow such an axis. When such a file is read, we arbitrarily choose to use the lower bounds throughout, with the upper bound of the topmost cell to close the definition. This way all axes have contiguous upper and lower bounds. A warning message is issued.
yes? DEF AXIS/X/BOUNDS xax = \ {1,2,5,6}, {0.5,1.5, 1.5,2.5, 2.5,5.5, 5.5,6.5} yes? DEF AXIS/Z/DEPTH/BOUNDS zax = \ {0,20,50,75,120}, {0,10, 10,30, 30,60, 60,90, 90,150}
yes? SAVE/BOUNDS/ var
yes? USE climatological_axes yes? LET v = L[GT=month_irreg] ! variable with an irregular axis yes? SAVE/ v ! bounds attribute on time axis.
Note that we no longer need to use the qualifiers /RIGID /LLIMITS= to write a file with an irregularly-spaced time axis. We will be able to append more time steps to the file and keep the correct point spacing.
If there is a gap between time steps in the file and the first time step being appended, Ferret inserts a void point whose bounds are the upper bound of the last time in the file, and the lower bound of the first time step being appended. Append steps 10:12 to the file, and then look at the variable and its coordinates:
yes? SAVE/APPEND/ v yes? CANCEL VAR v yes? USE yes? LIST v, TBOXLO[gt=v], TBOXHI[gt=v], TBOX[gt=v] DATA SET: ./ TIME: 01-JAN 00:00 to 31-DEC 05:49 Column 1: V is L[GT=MONTH_IRREG] Column 2: TBOXLO is TBOXLO (axis MONTH_IRREG1) Column 3: TBOXHI is TBOXHI (axis MONTH_IRREG1) Column 4: TBOX is TBOX (axis MONTH_IRREG1) V TBOXLO TBOXHI TBOX 16-JAN 12 / 1: 1.00 0.0 31.0 31.00 15-FEB 02 / 2: 2.00 31.0 59.2 28.24 15-MAR 17 / 3: 3.00 59.2 90.2 31.00 15-APR 05 / 4: 4.00 90.2 120.2 30.00 15-MAY 17 / 5: 5.00 120.2 151.2 31.00 15-JUN 05 / 6: 6.00 151.2 181.2 30.00 15-AUG 05 / 7: .... 181.2 273.2 92.00 15-OCT 17 / 8: 10.00 273.2 304.2 31.00 15-NOV 05 / 9: 11.00 304.2 334.2 30.00 15-DEC 17 / 10: 12.00 334.2 365.2 31.00
Time steps appended to this file will have a void point added as in the example above, if there is a gap between time steps in the file and those being appended.
If appending data to a file which has a regular time axis and no bounds, if there is a gap between the time steps in the file and those being appended, Ferret has always written an axis which is irregular and which has large box sizes at the gap. Now, Ferret will issue a note suggesting that bounds would define the time axis more accurately.
yes? use coads_climatology ! Has a regular time axis yes? save/l=1:4/clobber/ sst[x=180,y=0] yes? save/append/L=6:9/ sst[x=180,y=0] *** NOTE: Appending to NetCDF record axis which has no bounds attribute. *** NOTE: This will result in incorrect box sizes on record axis: TIME *** NOTE: Write the data initially with the /BOUNDS qualifier
yes? USE yes? SHOW axis `var,return=taxis` ! Say the calendar attribute is incorrect yes? SET AXIS/CALENDAR="noleap" TIMEAXSET AXIS/CALENDAR and SET AXIS/T0 are ignored for all except time axes. T0 is input in the Ferret format for date strings "dd-mmm-yyyy:00:00:00", with the hours, minutes and seconds portion optional. (See the command DEFINE AXIS/T0=). UNITS are expressed as a string and are converted according to the usual rules for Ferret axes, see "axis, units" in the Users Guide.
yes? USE mydata yes? SAY `sst,RETURN=calendar` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE GREGORIAN GREGORIAN yes? SET AXIS/CALENDAR=julian `sst,RETURN=taxis` !-> SET AXIS/CALENDAR=julian T_AX yes? SHOW AXIS T_AX name axis # pts start end T_AX TIME 648 i 13-JAN-1946 12:00 13-DEC-1999 12:00 T0 = 01-JAN-1700 00:00:00 CALENDAR = JULIAN Axis span (to cell edges) = 19723 yes? SAY `sst,RETURN=cal` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE JULIAN JULIAN
SET MODE graticule[:setting]
For example:
yes? ! turns on thin, black lines for all plots. yes? SET MODE grat yes? USE coads_climatology yes? VECTOR/L=1 uwnd,vwnd; go flandyes? ! Change the setting to dashed lines yes? SET MODE grat:dash yes? PLOT/i=1:40 sin(i/6), sin(i/8)
yes? ! Further settings, in parentheses or quotes yes? SET MODE grat:(dash,COLOR=red) yes? set data etopo20 yes? shade/pal=greyscale rose
yes? ! different settings for large and small tics yes? SET MODE grat:"LARGE(COLOR=blue),SMALL(COLOR=lightblue)" yes? USE monthly_navy_winds yes? SET REGION/X=180/Y=0/T=1-may-1989:1-may-1992 yes? PLOT uwnd
yes? go datestring 2004 1 1 12 30 22 DATE_SYMBOL = "1-JAN-2004 12:30:22" yes? def sym start_date ($date_symbol) yes? go datestring 2004 11 1 DATE_SYMBOL = "1-NOV-2004" yes? def sym end_date ($date_symbol) yes? define axis/t="($start_date)":"($end_date)":1/t0="($start_date)" tax
yes? shade/i=1:10/j=1:10 i*j*0.0033