Version 6.04/6.05 is primarily a bug-fix release. V6.04 was released containing a bug, the first one listed in the "Bug Fixes" section below. This was corrected and v6.05 released one day later
yes? USE coads_climatology yes? SAY `sst,RETURN=xmod` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE 360 360 yes? SAY `sst,RETURN=tmod` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE 8765.8 8765.8 yes? SAY `sst,RETURN=tunits` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE hour hour
yes? USE coads yes? LIST sst[X=180,Y=20,L=100:500@NGD] VARIABLE : SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE (# of points) DATA SET : COADS 2x2 Degree Monthly Average Surface Marine Observations FILENAME : coads.cdf FILEPATH : /home/shiva/data/ LONGITUDE: 179E LATITUDE : 19N TIME : 01-APR-1954 00:00 to 01-SEP-1987 00:00 (number of valid) 365.0 yes? LIST sst[X=180,Y=20,L=100:500@NBD] VARIABLE : SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE (# of points) DATA SET : COADS 2x2 Degree Monthly Average Surface Marine Observations FILENAME : coads.cdf FILEPATH : /home/shiva/data/ LONGITUDE: 179E LATITUDE : 19N TIME : 01-APR-1954 00:00 to 01-SEP-1987 00:00 (number flagged bad) 36.00
Example: Define a variable with no missing data and another with some missing data. See what MODNGD and MODNBD are, and check that the sum is the same as the number of pts in each month in the no-missing-data variable
yes? use climatological_axes *** NOTE: regarding /home/porter/tmap/ferret/linux/go/climatological_axes.cdf ... *** NOTE: Climatological axes SEASONAL_REG, MONTH_REG, and MONTH_IRREG defined yes? can data climatological_axes yes? use coads yes? let var = sst[x=280,y=20] yes? let nomiss = missing(var,30) yes? let varngd = var[gt=month_reg@modngd] yes? let varnbd = var[gt=month_reg@modnbd] yes? let nomiss_ngd = nomiss[gt=month_reg@modngd] yes? let nbdPngd = varnbd + varngd yes? list varnbd, varngd, nbdPngd, nomiss_ngd DATA SET: /home/shiva/data/coads.cdf COADS 2x2 Degree Monthly Average Surface Marine Observations TIME: 01-JAN 00:45 to 31-DEC 06:34 LONGITUDE: 81W LATITUDE: 19N Column 1: VARNBD is VAR[GT=MONTH_REG@MODNBD] Column 2: VARNGD is VAR[GT=MONTH_REG@MODNGD] Column 3: NBDPNGD is VARNBD + VARNGD Column 4: NOMISS_NGD is NOMISS[GT=MONTH_REG@MODNGD] VARNBD VARNGD NBDPNGD NOMISS_NGD 16-JAN / 1: 8.000 46.00 54.00 54.00 15-FEB / 2: 8.000 46.00 54.00 54.00 17-MAR / 3: 9.000 45.00 54.00 54.00 16-APR / 4: 9.000 45.00 54.00 54.00 16-MAY / 5: 7.000 47.00 54.00 54.00 16-JUN / 6: 9.000 45.00 54.00 54.00 16-JUL / 7: 8.000 46.00 54.00 54.00 16-AUG / 8: 7.000 47.00 54.00 54.00 15-SEP / 9: 7.000 47.00 54.00 54.00 16-OCT / 10: 8.000 46.00 54.00 54.00 15-NOV / 11: 7.000 47.00 54.00 54.00 16-DEC / 12: 7.000 47.00 54.00 54.00
For example here is a valid OPeNDAP url, which we then corrupt in a couple of ways. Here is the output from Ferret v6.04, where the verbose message is coming directly from the OPeNDAP library.
NOAA/PMEL TMAP FERRET v6.04 Linux(g77) 2.4.21-32 - 07/03/07 10-Jul-07 11:16 yes? SET MODE ignore_errors yes? ! Here is a valid OPeNDAP address: yes? SET DATA "" yes? SHOW DATA currently SET data sets: 1> (default) name title I J K L OCEXTTAU 1:361 1:181 ... ... yes? ! First mess up the dataset name yes? SET DATA "" **Internet Data error OPeNDAP Error: Error while reading the URL: The OPeNDAP server returned the following message: Not Found: The data source or server could not be found. Often this means that the OPeNDAP server is missing or needs attention; Please contact the server administrator. (OPeNDAP/netCDF Error code 1001) Data set: SET DATA "" yes? ! Now corrupt the server name yes? SET DATA "" **Internet Data error OPeNDAP Error: Couldn't resolve host '' (OPeNDAP/netCDF Error code 1001) Data set: SET DATA ""
yes? use monthly_navy_winds yes? set att (`uwnd,return=xaxis`).point_spacing = "uneven" yes? DEFINE ATT/OUTPUT (`uwnd,return=xaxis`).new_att = "somthing" yes? SAVE/ uwndPreviously, the new setting for point_spacing was not saved (it still showed up as "even"). And the new attribute was not saved to the file. Now these settings are saved for the axis.
yes? USE coads_climatology yes? LET sst2 = 2*sst yes? SET ATT/LIKE=sst sst2 yes? LET anames = sst2.attnames yes? LIST anames VARIABLE : SST2.ATTNAMES FILENAME : coads_climatology.cdf FILEPATH : /home/porter/tmap/ferret/linux/fer_dsets/data/ SUBSET : 5 points (X) 1 / 1:"missing_value" 2 / 2:"_FillValue" 3 / 3:"long_name" 4 / 4:"history" 5 / 5:"units"
yes? use coads_climatology yes? set reg/l=1/x=120e:280e/y=20s:20n yes? set v ul; contour/lev=c uwnd yes? set v ur; contour/lev=(-10,10,2) uwnd yes? set v ll; contour/lev=(-10,10,1) uwnd yes? set v lr; contour/lev=(-10,10,2) uwnd
NOAA/PMEL TMAP FERRET v6.04 Linux(g77) 2.4.21-32 - 07/03/07 10-Jul-07 11:40 yes? USE coads_climatology yes? SAY `T[GT=time],RETURN=T0` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE 01-JAN-0000 00:00:00 01-JAN-0000 00:00:00 yes? SHOW ATTRIBUTE (TIME).units attributes for dataset: ./coads_climatology.cdf (TIME).units = hour since 0000-01-01 00:00:00 yes? DEFINE AXIS/T=1:12:1/UNIT=months/T0=1-jan-2001 TIME *** NOTE: /UNIT=MONTHS is ambiguous ... using 1/12 of 365.2425 days Replacing definition of axis TIME *** NOTE: grid used by data set coads_climatology *** NOTE: Redefinition may alter apparent contents of data set yes? SHOW ATTRIBUTE (TIME).units attributes for dataset: /home/porter/tmap/ferret/linux/fer_dsets/data/coads_climatology.cdf (TIME).units = MONTHS since 1-JAN-2001The since 1-JAN-2001 after the redefinition was missing when running previous versions.
yes? def sym a " " yes? ($a)
yes? list date1900("23-jan-2007") VARIABLE : DATE1900("23-jan-2007") 39103.