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How do I interpret the output of "SET MODE DIAGNOSTIC?"

Question:  How do I interpret the output of "SET MODE DIAGNOSTIC?"


SET MODE DIAGNOSTIC lets you see where resources are being used.

Here's a fragment of MODE DIAGNOSTIC output and some explanation:

yes? LOAD SST[l=1:400@AVE]
 getgrid EX#1   5 D: 2  I:    1    1  J:    1    1  K:    1    1  L:    1    1
 eval    EX#1   4 D: 2  I: -111 -111  J: -111 -111  K: -111 -111  L: -111 -111
 strip gathering SST on Y axis:     1    90
 strip -->; SST[T=01-JAN-1946:01-MAY-1979@AVE,D=2]
 reading SST    3 D: 2  I:    1  180  J:    1    4  K: -111 -111  L:    1  400
 doing -->; SST[T=01-JAN-1946:01-MAY-1979@AVE,D=2]
 doing gathering SST on Y axis:     1     4


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