Why does Netscape on my Unix system always crash when I go to the LAS pages?
Netscape on Unix systems needs to have the correct java libraries loaded in order for Java to work properly. This is true for LAS and any other web page that uses Java. The Netscape release notes include the following section on Java Applet Support:
Java Applet Support: Java Applet support is available for all Unix platforms. To run Java applets with the Java-enabled version, Communicator needs to be able to load Java class files from a file called java40.jar. This file is included in the distribution, and is searched for using the following algorithm: if($CLASSPATH environment variable is set) Look at $CLASSPATH, where $CLASSPATH is a colon-delimited list of <path>/<jar-file> entries. else Search in order: <program directory> $MOZILLA_HOME/java/classes $HOME/.netscape /usr/local/netscape/java/classes /usr/local/lib/netscape If you were running Java with an earlier version of the Netscape Navigator, you need to replace your old moz2_0.car file, moz*.zip file, or java_3* file with the new java40.jar file supplied in this distribution.
Jonathan Callahan: Jonathan.S.Callahan@noaa.gov
Last modified: August 10, 2000