Locating Labels on a Time-Axis plot
How can I position labels on a plot that has a time axis?
Define a variable with the desired time axis, and then draw a 1-point plot line using this location. Now the PPLUS symbol PPL$XFIRST1 is defined, and this can be used in the LABEL command to position the label. Here is the script for the above plot:
! Open a dataset and define a time-series variable. Plot the time series. !---------------------------------- USE monthly_navy_winds.cdf LET/title="`uwnd,RETURN=title`"/units="`uwnd,RETURN=units`" var = UWND[X=50E,Y=30] PLOT/VLIM=-10:4 var !---------------------------------- ! define a variable with the time coordinates LET tt=T[GT=var] !---------------------------------- ! Locate label position on time variable axis: the coordinate at the start of 1985. LET datelabelpos=TT[T="01-JAN-1985"@ITP] ! Do nothing but set $PPL$XFIRST1 symbol at the time axis plot units PLOT/LINE/VS/OVER/NOLAB datelabelpos,-9 ! Make the label; left-justified ! LABEL xpos, ypos, justify, rotate, height "text" LABEL ($PPL$XFIRST1),-8,-1,0,0.12,Year 85 starts ! Draw a vertical red line at the year boundary PLOT/VS/NOLAB/LINE/COLOR=RED/OVER {`datelabelpos`,`datelabelpos`},{-10,4} ! Do the same for the start of 1990 !---------------------------------- ! Locate label position on time var axis LET datelabelpos=TT[T="01-JAN-1990"@ITP] ! Do nothing but set $PPL$XFIRST1 symbol at the time axis plot units plot/line/vs/over/nolab datelabelpos,-9 ! LABEL xpos, ypos, justify, rotate, height "text" LABEL ($PPL$XFIRST1),-8,-1,0,0.12,Year 90 starts ! Draw a vertical red line at the year boundary PLOT/VS/NOLAB/LINE/COLOR=RED/OVER {`datelabelpos`,`datelabelpos`},{-10,4} !---------------------------------- ! Now lets locate and label the maximum of the variable LET vmax = `var[T=@MAX]` LET t_at_max = var[T=01-JAN-1985:01-JAN-1998@LOC:`vmax`] ! This will define $PPL$XFIRST1 and also make a mark at the maximum location PLOT/VS/OVER/NOLAB/SYM=17/COLOR=red t_at_max, vmax ! Use a centered label this time ! 1.02*vmax moves the label up a bit. ! LABEL xpos, ypos, justify, rotate, height "text" LABEL ($PPL$XFIRST1),`1.02*vmax`,0,0,0.12,MAX `vmax,prec=3`
For ideas about putting a date-string label on a plot, see the FAQ labeling-dates-along-a-trackline.