Using data that spans multiple files.
How can I plot the time series of a variable which spans multiple data files?
> I have some netcdf-files with a lot of data. Each file represents the
> status of a certain model time. Now I want to plot one variable (say the
> instantanous mean) as a function of time. How can I do it?
> And can I save the calculated time series in a seperate (binary or netcdf)
> file from Ferret?
The answer to this depends on how your existing NetCDF files are arranged. You say that each file has a single time step. Let us suppose there are 3 spatial dimensions for the variables in your NetCDF files. There are two ways that this could be encoded: either as 3D (time-independent) variables or as 4D variables on a single point time axis. "ncdump -h mynetcdf.cdf" will show if the variables have a 1-point time axis.
==> If the files have a 1 point time axis there are three solutions:
- If you have a THREDDS server installed, use THREDDS aggregation to make the data into a single virtual dataset. THREDDS aggregation may be used to combine files that contain different timesteps of the same variable(s). It also includes other powerful tools for modifying and combining datasets.
- Define a virtual dataset in the Ferret session (Ferret v7 and higher) using DEFINE DATA/AGGREGATE/T. (Virtual dataset aggregation may also be done in the E direction, to define an ensemble, or the F direction, defining a forecast collection.)
yes? let file_list = SPAWN("ls -1 tmp/step_*.nc") yes? TSERIES all_times = file_list
- Use ferret to concatenate the files:
use file1 save/file=concat.cdf var1, var2, var3 use file2 save/append/file=concat.cdf var1,var2,var3 . . .
note that the names "var1", "var2",... refer to the "current" data set since no explicit data set was specified as in "var1[d=file1]".
- Create an "MC" (multi-cdf) data set by writing a descriptor file that ties the files into a single data set. An example of such a descriptor is below.
==> If your files do not have a time word,
- then you must use Ferret to impose atime word. Suppose you have 10 files, each separated by one model day, running 1-jan-1980 to 10-jan-1980. Then you might use this technique:
! *** set up define axis/t=1-jan-1980:10-jan-1980:1/unit=days t10days define grid/t=t10days gg let var1_with_T = t[g=gg]*0 + var1 set variable/title="xxx"/units="uuu" var1_with_T ! *** loop over input files use file1.cdf save/file=concat.cdf var1_with_T[l=1] use file2.cdf save/file=concat.cdf/append var1_with_T[l=2] ...
Here is an example "MC" descriptorfile: my_mc_descriptor.des:
$FORMAT_RECORD D_TYPE = ' MC', D_FORMAT = ' 1A', D_SOURCE_CLASS = 'MODEL OUTPUT', D_SOURCE = 'PHIL/SIEG', D_SUBSOURCE = 'TROPICAL PACIFIC', $END $BACKGROUND_RECORD D_EXPNUM = '0068', D_MODNUM = ' AA', D_TITLE = 'MOM model output; Hindcast, Double Ramp; NCEP 79-95 twice daily winds' D_FORCING_SET = 'NCEP 79-95 daily', D_T0TIME = '14-JAN-1978 14:00:00', D_TIME_UNIT = 3600.0, D_TIME_MODULO = .TRUE., D_ADD_PARM = 15*' ', $END $MESSAGE_RECORD D_MESSAGE = ' ', D_ALERT_ON_OPEN = F, D_ALERT_ON_OUTPUT = F, $END ************************************************* ************************************************* $EXTRA_RECORD $END $STEPFILE_RECORD s_filename = 'mtaa068-nc.001', S_AUX_SET_NUM = 0, S_START = 87623.0, S_END = 183599.0, S_DELTA = 24.0, S_NUM_OF_FILES = 400, S_REGVARFLAG = ' ', $END ************************************************** $STEPFILE_RECORD s_filename = '**END OF STEPFILES**' $END **************************************************