Downloading Ferret source code
The Ferret and PyFerret source code may be downloaded from GitHub.
Official releases area available on the Ferret Releases page, or the PyFerret releases page.
The latest PyFerret and Ferret source code is available through the NOAA-PMEL GitHub repository:
This site is periodically updated from our internal Ferret repository, and can provide a simple means of updating Ferret source as fixes and enhancements appear.
From the command line, one can use the git command to clone and pull source from this site, or one can use the svn command to checkout and update source from this site. For more information on using git or svn, consult the help documents for those commands (git help or svn help). There are also free online books at these external websites:
Developers familiar with GitHub who wish to contribute code fixes or enhancements to Ferret are encouraged to generate GitHub pull requests of changes that you would like to see incorporated into the code. Note that these pull requests are changes made to a forked copy of the Ferret repository in your own GitHub account.Some changes can also be made using pull requests for the Ferret GitHub repository and then these changes will be merged into the Ferret source.
The source code directories each contain a README file with instructions for building it in the top-level directory. The last step installs Ferret or creates tar files equivalent to the Ferret distribution tar files. To finish the installation, download the datsets tar file Ferret Datasets and follow the Installation and update guide to complete the installation.
Previous Versions Source code for Ferret Versions prior to Ferret v7.3 are available via FTP.
As noted in the README file, if you build Ferret for a system other than linux 32-bit and 64-bit or Mac OSX, we request that you send us the executables so that they may be shared with other users as one of our cooperatively supported operating systems.