This information is valid for LAS version 5.0 and higher. Note this is old documentation, not currently updated or maintained.
Configuring LAS
XML issues
- Overview of XML and its use in LAS
- Details about the XML used in LAS
- Using XML includes when you have many data sets
Configuring data sets and variables
- Ingesting gridded data
- Serving in-situ data (relational database access)
- Creating configuration files
- Initializing data to remedy incomplete/incorrect metadata
- Adding vectors
- Creating long time series from 'snapshot' files
- Yearly averaged data sets
- Creating a multi-variable dataset from several single-variable files
- Providing 'virtual' variables (functions of existing variables)
- Configuring variables with invalid names
Customizing graphical output
- Anomaly and flux variables
- Producing special graphics for particular variables
- Modifying the scripts Ferret uses to generate output
Configuring the user interface
- Modifying the map applet (v5.0)
- Modifying the map applet (v5.2+)
- Modifying the views selector (v5.2)
- Grouping data sets into meaningful categories
- Grouping data sets into meaningful categories (v6.0+)
Setting up cooperative data servers
- Making data available to other LAS servers
- Installing a DODS server
- Serving remotely held data via DODS
- Setting up 'sister' servers (v5.0)
- Setting up 'sister' servers with packages (v5.2)
LAS site maintenance