Below is an annotated version of the script land_detail_demo.jnl
Description: demonstrate detailed land data in the dataset
land_detail.jnl and mp_land_detail.jnl can plot or overlay continent,national, and state boundaries, and also major and secondary rivers and international marine boundaries. Their arguments are as follows:
! arg1 continent_pen ! arg2 "basemap" "overlay", or omitted for overlay! arg3 country_pen Pen for optional national boundaries ! arg4 state_pen Pen for optional state boundaries (Western hemisphere)! arg5 rivers_pen Pen for largest rivers! arg6 more_rivers Pen for additional rivers ! arg7 marine boundaries Pen for marine boundaries in South Pacific, Bering Strait
The pen specifications can be color names, which are drawn within lines, or color numbers which can include a thickness specification.See "PEN" in the Ferret Users Guide.
! U.S. State boundaries are available in the North and South America. Here we use pen-color codes 8 and 9 for national and state boundaries in red and green, so that the rivers show up on top of the national or state boundary lines.
yes? go fland 20 white basemap solid x=232:241 y=44:50 yes? go land_detail black overlay 8 9 blue lightbluen
Now show a color plot with national boundaries and rivers. Access the detailed topography/bathymetry data from Smith and Sandwell via OPeNDAP.
yes? use ""yes? fill/lev=(-5000,-1000,500)(-1000,0,50)/pal=topo/x=0:24/y=30:46 roseyes? go land_detail black overlay red " " blue blue
Now show a plot with international marine boundaries marked
yes? use etopo20yes? fill/x=80:220/y=-50:20/pal=land_sea/lev=(-9000,9000,500) rose