Ferret supports "immediate mode" mathematical expressions‚ that is, numerical expressions that may be embedded anywhere within a command line. These expressions are evaluated immediately by Ferret‚ before the command itself is parsed and executed. Immediate mode expressions are enclosed in grave accents, or backquotes, the same syntax used by the Unix C shell. Prior to parsing and executing the command Ferret will replace the full grave accent expression, including the accent marks, with an ASCII string representing the numerical value. For example, if the given command is
CONTOUR/Z=`temp[X=180,Y=0,Z=@LOC:15]` salt
Ferret will evaluate the expression "temp[X=180,Y=0,Z=@LOC:15]" (the depth of the 15-degree isotherm at the equator/dateline‚ say, it is 234.5 meters). Ferret will generate and execute the command
CONTOUR/Z=234.5 salt
Embedded expressions:
Embedded expressions: the expression must evaluate to a single number, a scalar, or Ferret will respond that the command contains an error. If the result is invalid the numerical string will be "bad" (see BAD= in following section). Region qualifiers that begin a command containing an embedded expression will be used in the evaluation of the expression. If multiple embedded expressions are used in a single command they will be evaluated from left to right within the command. This means that embedded expressions used to specify region information (e.g., the above example) may influence the evaluation of other embedded expressions to the right. When embedded expressions are used within commands that are arguments of a REPEAT command their evaluation is deferred until the commands are actually executed. Thus the embedded expressions are re-evaluated at each loop index of the REPEAT command. Grave accents have a higher priority than any other syntax character. Thus grave accent expressions will be evaluated even if they are enclosed within quotation marks, parentheses, square brackets, etc. Substitutions based on dollar-signs (command script arguments and symbols) will be made before embedded expressions are evaluated. A double grave accent will be translated to a single grave accent and not actually evaluated. Thus double grave accents provide a mechanism to defer evaluation so that grave accent expressions may be passed to the Unix command line with the SPAWN command or may be passed as arguments to GO scripts (to be evaluated INSIDE the script). The state of MODE VERIFY will determine if the evaluation of the embedded expression is echoed at the command line‚ similar to REPEAT loops.
The grave accent syntax may also be used to force immediate evaluation and substitution of a string variable in a command. Note that since region qualifiers that begin a command containing an embedded expression are used in the evaluation of the expression, the string variable may not contain a region qualifier.
3.3.1 Special calculations using embedded expressions
By default Ferret formats the results of embedded expressions using 16 significant digits. If the result of the expression is invalid (e.g., 1/0) the result by default is the string "bad". Controls allow you to specify the formatting of embedded expression results in both valid and invalid cases and to query the size and shape of the result.
The syntax to achieve this control is KEYWORD=VALUE pairs inside the grave accents, following the expression and set off by commas. The recognized keywords are "BAD=", "PRECISION=", and "RETURN=". Only the first character of the keyword is significant, so they may be abbreviated as "B=", "P=", and "R=".
PRECISION=, BAD=, and RETURN= may be specified simultaneously, in any order, separated by commas. If RETURN= is included, however, the other keywords will be ignored.
For converting numeric data to formatted strings, see also the FLOATSTR function which allows a Fortran numeric format specifier to control the format.
can be used to control the number of significant digits displayed, up to a maximum of 16. (Prior to Ferret v6.8 this limit was 10 digits but actually at most 7 digits were significant since Ferret calculations were performed in single precision.) Ferret will, however, truncate terminating zeros following the decimal place. Thus
will result in
instead of 0.3000000.
If the value specified for #digits is zero or negative Ferret will interpret this as the desired number of decimal places rather than the number of significant digits. Thus
SAY `35501/100,P=-2`
will result in
SAY `35501/100,P=0`
will result in
This also means that Ferret will always return at least one significant digit:
SAY `0.123,P=0`
will result in
In the case of a negative precision value, Ferret will again drop terminating zeros to the right of the decimal point.
Note that the precision of the embedded expression is used as the command is parsed, and any precision controls in the rest of the command are applied later. So, noting how the command is parsed before it is executed:
yes? LIST/PRECISION=10 `(100000000 + 12300),prec=5`
!-> list/prec=10 1.0001E+08
VARIABLE : constant
because the precision of 5 is applied to the expression in the grave accents. (This is the behavior in older versions of Ferret where data was handled in single precision, and the default grave-accent precision was 5 digits.
W= ZW= set width and set zero-filled width.
Formatting immediate mode expressions may be done by specifying the width or zero-filled width:
yes? SAY Answer: `5.3,w=8` Answer: 5.3 yes? SAY Answer: `5.3,zw=8` Answer: 000005.3
can be used to control the text which is produced when the result of the immediate mode expression is invalid. Thus
SAY `1/0,BAD=missing`
will result in
SAY `1/0,B=-999`
will result in
The keyword RETURN= can reveal the size and shape of the result. RETURN= may take arguments
- size
- istart, jstart, kstart, lstart, mstart, nstart
- iend, jend, kend, lend, mend, nene
- xstart, ystart, zstart, tstart, estart, fstart
- xend, yend, zend, tend, eend, fend
- isize, jsize, ksize, lsize, msize, lsize
- bad
- calendar
- T0
- units
- iunits, junits, kunits, lunits, munits, nunits
- xunits, yunits, zunits, tunits, eunits, funits
- title
- grid
- iaxis, jaxis, kaxis, laxis, maxis, naxis
- xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, taxis, eaxis, faxis
- xcoord, xcoord, xcoord, xcoord
- dset, dsetnum, dsetpath, dsettitle
- nc_scale, nc_off
- user_scale, user_off
- dtype
- xmod
- tmod
- isDepth
- status
- isReady
- defined
The RETURN= option in immediate mode expressions does not actually compute the result unless it must. For example, the expression
will return the formatted coordinate for the last point on the T axis of variable sst without actually reading or computing the values of sst. This allows Ferret scripts to be constructed so that they can anticipate the size of variables and act accordingly.
Note that this does not apply to variable definitions which involve grid-changing variables that return results on ABSTRACT axes. For those variables the size and shape of the result may depend on data values, so the entire result must be computed in order to determine many of the return= results
Returns the 4-dimensional shape of the result‚ i.e., a list of those axes along which the result comprises more than a single point. For example, a global sea surface temperature field at a single point in time:
will result in
See Symbol Substitutions in the chapter "Handing String Data Symbols" for examples showing the special utility of this feature.
Returns the total number of points in the variable -- Nx*Ny*Nz*Nt*Ne*Nf
Returns the starting index of the result along the indicated axis: I, J, K, L, M, N. For example, if CAST is a vertical profile with points every 10 meters of depth starting at 10 meters then Z=100 is the 10th vertical point, so
will result in
Returns the ending index of the result along the indicated axis: I, J, K, L, M, N. In the example above
will result in
The size and shape information revealed by RESULT= is useful in creating sophisticated scripts. For example, these lines could be used to verify that the user has passed a 1-dimensional field as the first argument to a script
LET my_expr = $1 DEFINE SYMBOL SHAPE `my_expr,RESULT=SHAPE` QUERY/IGNORE ($SHAPE%|X|Y|Z|T|<Expression must be 1-dimensional%)
Returns the first grid point in the current region, in world coordinates. Note that the format of the result can be controlled by setting or canceling MODE LONG_LABEL for the X axis, MODE LAT_LABEL for the Y axis, or MODE CALENDAR for a time axis.
Returns the last grid point of specified world coordinate region, in world units.
Returns the number of points along one axis, within the currently defined region. Note for an ascii dataset, you can get the actual size of the data as follows. You must define a grid - the default abstract axis for reading ascii data will return the length of the abstract axis. The data must be loaded to get the length of the variable.
yes? DEFINE SYMBOL maxobs = 100000 yes? define axis/x=1:($maxobs):1 inaxis yes? define grid/x=inaxis ingrid yes? file/grid=ingrid/var=A file.dat yes? load A yes? let npts= `A,return=isize`
Returns the missing value flag from the expression
Returns the T0 string from the time axis of the variable
Returns the calendar name from the time axis of the variable
Returns the units string from the variable
Returns the units string from the axis
Returns the units string from the axis
Returns the title of a variable
Returns the grid name of a variable
Returns the name of an axis on which the variable is defined.
Returns the name of an axis on which the variable is defined.
Returns the name of aa coordinate variable in a Discrete Sampling Geometries dataset. Specify `variable,return=XCOORD` using the name of any observation variable or instance variable in the dataset.
Returns data set name. This is the data set name without the file pathname.
yes? USE "/home/rmb_dat/testfile.nc" yes? SAY `sst,RETURN=dset` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE testfile testfile
Returns data set number from the expression.
yes? SAY `sst,RETURN=dsetnum` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE 1 1
Returns the path of the data set information from the expression. A leading slash on the pathname can cause trouble when the result is parsed by Ferret. Putting the result in a string variable is one way to deal with this.
yes? LET a = "`sst,RETURN=dsetpath`" !-> DEFINE VARIABLE a = "/home/rmb_dat/testfile.nc"
Returns data set title from the expression, if it exists. This returns the title in a netCDF file which is specified as a global attribute :title= "Title text";
yes? LET a = "`sst,RETURN=dsettitle`" !-> DEFINE VARIABLE a = "MERCATOR SECTION ATL Gulf Cadiz"
Returns the netCDF type of the variable in the dataset, e.g. FLOAT, or CHAR.
Returns the scale and offset that were defined by a netCDF attribute for the variable. If the stepfiles of a multi-file netCDF file have different scale and offset values, these commands return the latest values that were applied.
Returns the scale and offset that were set using a SET VARIABLE command with the /SCALE= or /OFFSET qualifiers.
Returns the modulo length of the X or T axis of the variable, if it is modulo, in terms of the units of the axis.
yes? USE coads_climatology yes? SAY `sst,RETURN=xmod` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE 360 360 yes? SAY `sst,RETURN=tmod` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE 8765.8 8765.8 yes? SAY `sst,RETURN=tunits` !-> MESSAGE/CONTINUE hour hour
Returns 1 if the vertical axis of the variable is a depth (positive-down) axis, or 0 if it is increasing upwards.
Returns the computability status of the expression(s) given inside the grave accents. The status that is returned reflects the state of the entire tree of LET variables and file variables that must be read or computed. (See SHOW VARIABLE/TREE). Note that a unique feature of this RETURN option and RETURN=isReady is that it is allowable to include a comma-separated list of expressions enclosed in a single grave accent pair with the RETURN option. The value returned will reflect the overall status of the group of expressions. If multiple error conditions are found, the worst one among them will be reported. Possible return strings are
AVAILABLE -- all variables are known and available for access
UNKNOWN VARIABLE -- the unrecognized name will be displayed
UNKNOWN DATASET -- the unrecognized name will be displayed
UNKNOWN GRID -- the unrecognized name will be displayed
ERROR in EXPRESSION -- the offending expression will be displayed
ILLEGAL RECURSIVE VARIABLES -- the variable on which the recursive loop was detected will be named
UNKNOWN AUXILIARY VARIABLE -- the unrecognized name will be displayed
Closely related to RETURN=STATUS (above), this option returns a 1 or a 0 (TRUE vs FALSE) indicating whether the STATUS is AVAILABLE. A typical usage of this RETURN option would be lines in a journal file such as these
IF `my_var,RETURN=isReady` THEN PLOT my_var ELSE MESSAGE my_var is not available because of `my_var,RETURN=status` ENDIF
This option returns a 1 or a 0 (TRUE vs FALSE) indicating whether a user-defined variable has been defined with a LET command.