A number of tools are provided with Ferret to assist with Unix-level activities: on-line help, converting data to Ferret's formats, locating files, etc. They are located in the Ferret installation area—typically $FER_DIR/bin. See the chapter "Copmuting Environment", section "Setting up to run Ferret", if the tools are not available on-line. They are described below.
Faddpath Usage: Faddpath new_path
Faddpath will add a new path name to the default lists of directories that Ferret searches a) in response to the SET DATA command; b) when looking for GO scripts; c) when looking for data files; d) when looking for grid definition files.
Fdata Usage: Fdata data_file_substring
Searches the list of directories contained in the environment variable FER_DATA to find the data files whose names contain the indicated substring. For example,
% Fdata coads
locates the data files containing "coads" in their names. (Use this command to locate netCDFdata sets by giving the string "cdf".) To list all data files, give an asterisk in single quotes, '*', as the argument.
Fdescr Usage: Fdescr des_name_substring
Searches the list of directories contained in the environment variable FER_DESCR to find the descriptor files whose names contain the indicated substring. For example,
% Fdescr coads
locates the descriptor files containing "coads" in their names. ("Fdescr .des" will list all accessible descriptors.) To list all descriptor files, give an asterisk in single quotes, '*', as the argument
Fenv Usage: Fenv
Prints the values of environment variables used by Ferret
Fgo Usage: Fgo name_substring
Searches the list of directories contained in the environment variable FER_GO to find the GO command files whose names contain the indicated substring. For example,
% Fgo grid
locates the Ferret tools that contain "grid". To list all script files, give an asterisk in single quotes, '*', as the argument.
Fgrids Usage: Fgrids gridfile_substring
Searches the list of directories contained in the environment variable FER_GRIDS to find the grid definition files whose names contain the indicated substring. For example,
% Fgrids fnoc
locates the grid definition files containing "fnoc" in their names. ("Fgrids .grd" will list all accessible grid files.)
Fpalette Usage: Fpalette name_substring
Searches the list of directories contained in the environment variable FER_PALETTE to find the palette files whose names contain the indicated substring. For example,
% Fpalette blue
locates the palette files containing "blue" in their names. To list all palette files, give an asterisk in single quotes, '*', as the argument.
Fpurge Usage: Fpurge filename_template
Fpurge is a support routine to manage multiple versions of files created by Ferret—particularly journal files and graphic metafiles. Fpurge will remove all versions of a file except the current version. For example, "Fpurge ferret.jnl" will eliminate all past versions of ferret.jnl in the current directory.
FshowGO Usage: FshowGO ferret_log_file Available only with Ferret v6.9 and higher
FshowGO will reformat a file containing output from a Ferret session. In the Ferret session, activate the command SET REDIRECT, to turn on the writing of lines to the journal file or other output specified in the SET REDIRECT command. Then
% FshowGO ferret.jnl
will write lines with the GO script names and arguments as they were executed in the session, indented to show the level of nesting of script calls.
yes? set redirect/journal
yes? let landpen = 2
yes? go land `landpen` basemap
yes? quit
% FshowGO ferret.jnl
GO land 2 basemap
GO basemap " " " " " " white
Fsort Usage: Fsort filename_template
Fsort is a support routine for sorting file versions. Fsort reorders the incorrect ordering of emacs-style version numbers assigned by the Unix "ls" utility. For example, when sorting, ls will place filename.~19~ before filename.~2~. "Fsort filename*" will take care of this problem. Fsort may be used in Unix pipes.