Appendix B Sec4
This is intended as a brief overview of the PPLUS commands. Commands are fully described in the Command Description chapter. Examples illustrating their use are in the Beginners Guide section.
Appendix B Sec4.1
Appendix B Sec4.1.1
Data Files
These commands are used to extract the information from a file containing the data to be plotted.
RD |
Reads/identifies file containing data to be plotted. |
Skips/identifies records on the data file being read. |
Rewinds/identifies the data file. |
Describes the format of the data file. |
Locates the data to be plotted in the records of the data file. |
Locates the data to be plotted in the records of the EPIC data file. |
Controls automatic labeling of EPIC and BIBO data plots. |
Appendix B Sec4.1.2
Other Data Entry
The following commands allow data entry from a souce other than a file.
ENTER Allows data entry from the keyboard.
LINFIT Does a linear least squares fit on data already in a line and inserts the least squares line into the next available line.
Appendix B Sec4.1.3
PPLUS Output Files
Controls echoing of PPLUS commands to a PPLUS echo file. |
Controls PPLUS debug mode (echos after symbol substitution) |
Names the output plot file. |
Controls the format of the output plot file |
Appendix B Sec4.1.4
PPLUS Command Files
@ |
Initiates reading of commands from a PPLUS command file. |
Controls echoing of PPLUS commands to a PPLUS echo file. |
Controls PPLUS debug mode (echos after symbol substitution) |
Appendix B Sec4.2
The following commands control axis labelling and appearance.
Appendix B Sec4.2.1
XAXIS Controls numeric labeling and tics on the x-axis.
YAXIS Controls numeric labeling and tics on the y-axis.
AXATIC Sets number of large tics automatically for x and y.
AXLABP Locates axis labels at top/bottom or left/right of plot.
AXLEN Sets axis lengths.
AXLINT Sets label interval for axes.
AXLSZE Sets axis label heights.
AXNMTC Sets number of small tics between large tics on axes.
AXNSIG Sets no. significant digits in numeric axis labels (auto only).
AXSET Allows omission of plotting of any axis.
AXTYPE Sets axis type for x- and y-axis.
TICS Sets axis tic characteristics
XFOR Sets format of x-axis numeric labels.
YFOR Sets format of y-axis numeric labels.
XLAB Sets label of x-axis.
YLAB Sets label of y-axis.
Appendix B Sec4.2.2
Time Axis
TIME Sets start and end of time axis, start time of data.
TAXIS Sets time axis on, sets time series delta-t (minutes),orients axis.
TXLABP Establishes time axis label position (or absence).
TXLINT Specifies which tics will be labeled.
TXLSZE Sets height of time axis labels.
TXNMTC Sets number of small tics between large tics.
TXTYPE Sets type and style of time axis.
Appendix B Sec4.3
LABS Makes a moveable label (up to 25 labels allowed).
HLABS Sets height of each moveable label.
RLABS Sets angle for each moveable label.
LABSET Sets character heights for labels.
LLABS Sets start position for a line to location of each moveable label. Draws a line from the label to a point.
CONPRE Sets prefix for contour labels (characters, color, font).
CONPST Set suffix for contour labels (characters, color, font).
TITLE Sets and clears main plot label (without making a plot).
XLAB Sets label of x-axis.
YLAB Sets label of y-axis.
Appendix B Sec4.4
@ Initiates reading of commands from a PPLUS command file.
DEC Decrements a counter.
INC Increments a counter.
IF Block IF statement.
ELSE Block IF statement.
ENDIF Block IF statement.
WHILE WHILE loop construct.
ENDW WHILE loop construct.
SET Sets the value of a PPLUS symbol.
SHOW Shows the value of a PPLUS symbol.
LISTSYM Lists values of defined PPLUS symbols.
Appendix B Sec4.5
Commands to change the pen number or the character font can be embedded in any labels character string. See the preceding section for label commands and the chapter on LABELS.
@Pn Sets pen number "n" when embedded in a label, where n is less than 10, plus A-G (hexidecimal numbers).
@Cnnn Sets color to number "nnn" when embedded in a label.
PEN Sets pen number for each data line.
DFLTFNT Sets default character font for all labeling.
LEV Sets pen numbers (colors) for contour plots.
Appendix B Sec4.6
The following commands control various aspects of the plot's appearance.
ORIGIN Sets distance of plot origin from lower left corner of the box.
SIZE Sets size of entire plotting region.
BOX Controls drawing of a box around the entire plotting region.
CROSS Controls drawing of lines through the point x=0, y=0 on graph.
LINE Sets characteristics for each X-Y plot line.
MARKH Sets character size for each X-Y plot line marks.
MULTPLT Allows a composite of several plots (all kinds) on onepage.
ROTATE Rotates plot by 90 degrees on screen and plotter.
Appendix B Sec4.7
The following commands select the plot type and generate the plot.
PLOT Plots x-y pairs for all lines of data.
PLOTUV Makes stick plot of vector data for U,V pairs in line1.
PLOTV Makes stick plot of vector data for U in line1 and V in line2.
CONTOUR Makes contour plot.
VIEW Makes a 3-D surface plot.
VPOINT Sets the viewpoint for a 3-D surface plot.
VECTOR Makes a plot of a vector field
VELVCT Makes vector plot of U,V pairs located at X,Y locations.
MULTPLT Allows a composite of several plots (all kinds) on one page.
Appendix B Sec4.8
LINFIT Does a linear least squares fit on data already in a line and inserts the least squares line into the next available line.
TRANSXY Applies a linear transformation to variables x and y.
SMOOTH Controls smoothing of contour type data.
LIMITS Sets testing values for good data points.
WINDOW Controls windowing of data within axis bounds.
Appendix B Sec4.9
HELP VAX/VMS on-line help for PPLUS.
HLP Access on-line help from within PPLUS.