Online and HTML demonstrations are available to familiarize you with Ferret's features.
The jnl files are "go scripts", available to you when you run Ferret, for example: "GO tutorial" shows you around Ferret.
Ferret tutorial
Ferret Tour
tutorial.jnl- script file
Remote data access with OPeNDAP
(OPeNDAP protocol formerly known as DODS: Distributed Oceanographic Data System)
opendap_demo.jnl - script file
Working with Discrete Sampling Geometries (DSG) data
DSG Tutorial
dsg_point_plot.jnl- script file
dsg_prof_plot.jnl- script file
dsg_timeseries_plot.jnl- script file
dsg_traj_plot.jnl- script file
External functions examples
Sorting data ef_sort_demo
Fast Fourier Transforms ef_fft_demo
Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF's) ef_eof_demo
Gridding: interpolate point data to a grid objective_analysis_demo
Binary stream file capability
binary read demo -
binary read demo.jnl - script file
Constant array syntax
constant_array_demo.jnl - script file
COADS ocean-atmosphere data set
COADS tour
coads_demo.jnl- script file
Levitus data set: Climatological Atlas of the World Ocean
Levitus tour
levitus_demo.jnl- script file
Color palettes
map colors to the range of data values by percent, level, or value
Map projections
Map projections and map projection utility scripts
Track plotting
see Ribbon plot capabilities
Polymark demo:
plot points using symbols colored by values of a variable
Polytube demo:
plot a colored tube of variable values along a plotted track
Color-filled vectors:
using the poly_vectors and mp_poly_vectors scripts to draw filled vector arrows.
Graticule lines:
using the /GRATICULE, /HGRATICULE, and /VGRATICULE qualifiers to draw graticule lines (guide lines) at the tic marks of horizontal and vertical axes.
Detailed land outlines:
using the detailed data in the dataset geo_borders_intermed to draw continental, international land and marine boundaries, state boundaries, and rivers.
The demos below are journal scripts only.
Run these from Ferret with "GO coads_demo", etc.
View the documentation in the scripts with "go/help spirograph_demo.jnl", etc.
Data sets
COADS ocean-atmosphere data sets - - coads_demo.jnl
ETOPO (Equator to Poles) data set - - topographic_relief_demo.jnl
FNOC Navy surface marine wind data - - fnoc_demo.jnl
Levitus data set: Climatological Atlas of the World Ocean - - levitus_demo.jnl
Files and data manipulation
File reading ASCII FILES - - file_reading_demo.jnl
Editing data: "hand-editing" a variable - - edit_data_demo.jnl
Regridding data from one grid to another - - regridding_demo.jnl
Map projections
Map projections - - mp_demo.jnl
Mercator projection - - mercator_demo.jnl
Multi-variable data: plots available for data with multiple dependent axes - - multi_variable_demo.jnlPolar stereographic map projections - - polar_demo.jnl (out of date)South polar stereographic map projections - - polar_south_demo.jnl (out of date)
Math and Statistics
Mathematics: Computation and display of "abstract expressions" - - mathematics_demo.jnl
Statistics: sample distribution functions - - statistics_demo.jnl
Contouring and 2-D plots
Depth-to-density: contouring with a user-defined axis - - depth_to_density_demo.jnl
Custom contouring - - custom_contour_demo.jnl
Color palettes for color-fill plots - - palette_demo.jnl
Contnuous Colorbars - - ccbar_demo.jnl (ccbar.jnl is obsolete. It is replaced by /KEY=CONTINUOUS on color plot commands)
Topographic relief plotting; some of the ETOPO (Equator to Poles) data set - - topographic_relief_demo.jnl
Vector arrow plots - - vector_demo.jnl
Plot symbols, lines, patterns
Examples of line styles used by the PLOT command - - line_samples.jnl
Examples of pen color and thickness - - line thickness.jnl
Display the PLOT+| plotting symbols - - show_88_syms.jnl
Show all the patterns available for filled-contour plotting - - show_all_patterns.jnl
Track plotting
Polymark demo: plot points using symbols colored by values of a variable - - polymark_demo.jnl
Polytube demo: plot a colored tube of variable values along a plotted track - - polytube_demo.jnl
Track plot - - trackplot_demo.jnl
Other plot topics
Error bars on line plots error_bars, run - - error_bars_demo.jnl
Plots with multiple axis scales, run - - multi_variable_demo.jnl
Log plot - - log_plot_demo.jnl
Sigma coordinates - - sigma_coordinate_demo.jnl
Viewports: plotting several plots on a page - - viewports_demo.jnl
Wire frame plots to visualize 3-D data - - wire_frame_demo.jnl
... And just for fun
line plots - - spirograph_demo.jnl
pretty color pictures - - splash_demo.jnl