Release notes: Ferret Version 4.9
- New commands and qualifiers
- 3-argument (curvilinear) version of SHADE and FILL
- /NOAXIS qualifier added to SHADE, PLOT, CONTOUR,and VECTOR
- Enhancements
- curvilinear coordinate graphics support
- 24-bit system support
- GIF mode - GIF output without X windows
- PostScript mode - PostScript output without X windows
- grid-changing functions
- new transformations
- @CDA (closest distance above)
- @CDB (closest distance below)
- @CIA (closest index above)
- @CIB (closest index below)
- new regrid transformation
- Minor changes
- Negative time axis values are supported
- DEFINE AXIS/unit=MONTHS will issue a warning
- variable name length increased
- In a NetCDF file any "Y" in the name of an axis caused itto be identified (mistakenly in some cases) as a Y axis
- Bug fixes
- regridding with @mod no longer drops the final subscript
- NetCDF time units which lack hours are now supported: e.g. time:units="hourssince 1992-10-8 0"
- definite integral @DIN in ZT plane used COS(y) correction filler transformations(e.g. @FLN) return original field when component range is insufficient(at edges of field)
- 3-argument (curvilinear) version of SHADE and FILL
The SHADE and FILL commands now have a3-argument mode which allows them to create output in "curvilinear"coordinates. This allows for easy generation ofoutput plotsusing sigma coorindates as well as the application of variousmap projections. A typical command line entry will look like:
yes? SHADE sst, x_page, y_page
where the second and third arguments, x_page(i,j) and y_page(i,j), must be(at least) 2-dimensional grids which specify the X page (horizontal) position and Y page (vertical) positionfor each (i,j) index pair. The page positions may be in any units; Ferret will scalethe plot according to the ranges of values in the position fields. For map projections, thesewill typically be defined by the map projection scripts as Ferret variablesas in the following section from the journal file for creatingLambert cylindrical equal-area projections:
let/quiet mp_x = x
let/quiet mp_central_meridian = (mp_x[i=@max] + mp_x[i=@min])/2
let/quiet mp_y = y
let/quiet mp_standard_paralell = (mp_y[j=@max] + mp_y[j=@min])/2
let/quiet Pi = 3.14159265
let/quiet deg2rad = Pi / 180.0
let/quiet mp_R = 1
let/quiet mp_lambda0 = mp_central_meridian * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_lambda = x * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_phi = y * deg2rad
let/quiet x_page = mp_R * (mp_lambda-mp_lambda0) ! eqn (1)
let/quiet y_page = mp_R * sin(mp_phi) ! eqn (9)Note: The default axis labeling forthe 3-argument commands will be the ranges of the position fields: inappropriate when map projections are being used. The /NOAXIS qualifier isprovided for this purpose.
- /NOAXIS qualifier added to SHADE,PLOT, CONTOUR, and VECTOR
The SHOW FUNCTIONS command now shows a complete list of thefunctions defined in Ferret including descriptions of the function arguments.SHOW FUNCTIONS will accept name templates such as
yes? SHOW FUNCTION *day*
days elapsed since Jan. 1, 1900
The /NOAXIS qualifier causes the axes and axis labels to be omittedfrom the plot. (See the AXSET command in the PLOT+ Users Guide). The qualifierhas been added to support the curvilinear coordinate and map projectionscapabilities of the 3-argument versions of SHADE, FILL, and CONTOUR inwhich linear axes are inappropriate.
Note that if the /SET_UP qualifier is used in conjunction with /NOAXISa Ferret state is altered such that future plots will be drawn withoutaxes. Ferret will warn you of this and coach you to use PPL AXSET 1,1, 1, 1 to restore normal axis drawing.
- curvilinear coordinate graphics support
- gridded data sets on curvilinear coordinates
If a given gridded variable is defined on a curvilinear coordinate system, thenone need only provide the X and Y coordinate fields in the 3-argument SHADE orFILL command to accurately depict the field. For example, if a data setcontained a variable TEMP, which was Nx x Ny in the longitude-latitude plane,and the data set also contained variables LON_POSITION and LAT_POSITION of thesame size, then the command:
would render the curvilinear plot.
See 3-argument SHADE or FILL command for further details.
- layered (sigma) coordinates
The capability to render curvilinear coordinates allowsFerret to display sigma coordinate fields without interpolating or regridding the variable tobe displayed.
In this example from the Ferret FAQ the variable flow is defined on the gggrid where the Z axis is in layers. To display the field we need only create multidemensional fieldsspecifying the relative positions of (i,j) pairs and use the new curvilinear coordinatecommands:
let depth = h[k=@rsum]-h/2
set variable/title="DEPTH function"/unit=meters depth
let ygg = y[g=gg]
set variable/title="Y"/unit=kilometers ygg
shade flow[x=0,l=1], ygg, depth[x=0,i=1]For a detailed example illustrating the use of curvilinear coordinatesto analyze sigma-coordinate fields see the FERRET FAQ entry,Howto handle sigma coordinate output in Ferret.
- map projections
Along with general capabilities for curvilinear coordinates,version 4.9 provides a series of scripts for many common map projections. Instructions for usingthe map projection scripts can be obtained by running the demo:
yes? go mp_demo
or by reading the instructions which come with each script:
yes? GO/HELP projection_script_name
Here is the list of supported map projections:
(The techniques used are quite general and can be applied to most map projections.)Ferret script Projection name mp_bonne.jnl Bonne mp_craster_parabolic.jnl Craster Parabolic mp_eckert_greifendorff.jnl Eckert Grifendorff mp_eckert_iii.jnl Eckert III mp_eckert_v.jnl Eckert V mp_hammer.jnl Hammer mp_lambert_cyl.jnl Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area mp_mcbryde_fpp.jnl McBryde Flat Polar Parabolic mp_orthographic.jnl Orthographic mp_plate_caree.jnl Plate Caree mp_polyconic.jnl Plolyconic mp_sinusoidal.jnl Sinusoidal mp_stereographic_eq.jnl Stereographic Equatorial mp_stereographic_south.jnl Stereographic North mp_vertical_perspective.jnl Stereographic South mp_vertical_perspective.jnl Vertical Perspective mp_wagner_vii.jnl Wagner VII mp_winkel_i.jnl Winkel I Here is the list of utility scripts to support curvilinear coordinates Ferret script Function mp_demo.jnl demonstration of various map projections. mp_fland.jnl curvilinear version of fland.jnl mp_graticule.jnl creates a graticule (lines of longitude and latitude) over the whole globe or any portion mp_label.jnl correctly places labels using lat-lon coordinates mp_land.jnl curvilinear version of land.jnl mp_land_stripmap.jnl creates a land-centric interrupted map using the current projection mp_line.jnl correctly plots user lat-lon data on the map mp_ocean_stripmap.jnl creates an ocean-centric interrupted map using the current projection - 24 bit system support
- You may have to click on a Ferret window to correctly display the colors in that window.
- Other windows may change color once the Ferret window becomes active. Clicking on the windows that change color will restore their original color.
- The X server must support multiple visuals, and at least one PseudoColor, or indexed, visual. Unfortunately, the X server available on most Linux machines only supports one visual at a time; Ferret will not work with 24 bit color displays on such machines.
- GIF mode - GIF output without X windows
ferret -gif
yes? frame/file=picture.gif
sends the stored graphical output from Ferret to the GIF filepicture.gif.
Please note the following when using batch mode:
- Window resizing only works if the window is cleared before resizing the window. For instance:
yes? set window/clear/size=0.25
yes? set window/size=0.25/clear
- Avoid metafile commands when running in batch mode. In particular,
yes? set mode meta
- Don't create new Ferret windows when running without an X server. The following command:
yes? set window/new
- Window resizing only works if the window is cleared before resizing the window. For instance:
- PostScript mode - PostScript output without Xwindows
ferret -batch <file>.ps
where <file> is the name of the output file. Note that the filenamemust end with ".ps".
Please note the following when using PostScript mode:
- The PostScript output will not be fully written to the output file until you exit from Ferret.
- Window sizing commands do not have any effect on PostScript output.
- Avoid metafile commands when running in PostScript mode.
- Don't create new Ferret windows when running without an X server. The following command:
yes? set window/new
- grid-changing functions
Ferret version 4.9 has introducde a new class of functions which ismuch more flexible than functions in previous versions. The new functionsare distinct in that the result of the function may be on a grid whosecharacter is not inferred simply my merging the grids of the function arguments.Each axis of the result grid of a grid-changing function may inherit fromparticular arguments, may be "normal" to a particular dimension(as in averaging along an axis), or may insert a new axis (for examplea time axis replaced by a frequency axis during a Fourier transformation.The functions listed below are the first in a list of functions that willbe added as Ferret matures. (Grid-changing functions and user-written "external"grid-changing functions will be the primary feature added in version 5of Ferret.)
yes? LIST x[x=1:3:1]+y[y=.1:.2:.1]
1 2 3
1 2 3
0.1 / 1: 1.100 2.100 3.100
0.2 / 2: 1.200 2.200 3.200
yes? LIST/ORDER=x UNRAVEL( x[x=1:3:1]+y[y=.1:.2:.1] )
UNRAVEL( X[X=1:3:1]+Y[Y=.1:.2:.1] )
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1.100 2.100 3.100 1.200 2.200 3.200
Last successful data access was on grid (G002)
GRID (G002)
name axis # pts start end
ABSTRACT X 9999999 r 1 9999999
normal Y
normal Z
normal T
The result of the RESHAPE function will be argument A "wrapped"on the grid of argument B. A common use of this function is to view multi-yeartime series data as a 2-dimensional field of 12-months vs. year.
A simple 2D example:
yes? LET A = X[X=1:3:1]+Y[Y=0.1:0.2:0.1]
yes? LIST A
1 2 3
1 2 3
0.1 / 1: 1.100 2.100 3.100
0.2 / 2: 1.200 2.200 3.200
yes? LET B = X[X=100:200:100]+Y[Y=10:30:10]
yes? LIST B
100 200
1 2
10 / 1: 110.0 210.0
20 / 2: 120.0 220.0
30 / 3: 130.0 230.0
Z: 1
T: 1
100 200
1 2
10 / 1: 1.100 2.100
20 / 2: 3.100 1.200
30 / 3: 2.200 3.200
A subtlety in the use of this function arises when one or more of theaxes in the grid of argument 1 are shared by the grid of argument two.In this case the ranges on those axes are preserved -- the data from argument1 is wrapped only within the indocated sub-range of those axis. For example,suppose the variable uwnd contains monthly data from Jan 1982to Dec 1992.
Example - reshape Z and T axes leaving X and Y intact:
yes? SET DATA monthly_navy_winds
! define a simple 12 month axis and a 3 year axis
yes? DEFINE AXIS/Z=1:12:1 Zmonth
yes? DEFINE AXIS/T=1982:1985:1 Tyear
! define a variable that shares X,Y with uwind
yes? LET out_grid = x[g=uwnd,i=1]+y[g=uwnd,j=1]+z[gz=zmonth,k=1]+t[gt=tyear,l=1]
! define the reshaped variable
yes? LET Wind_by_month = RESHAPE(uwnd[l=1:36],out_grid)
! look at the first three Januaries of winds at a single point
yes? LIST/X=180/Y=0 uwnd[l=1:36:12]
regrid: 8766 hour on T
DATA SET: monthly_navy_winds.des
JAN-1982 / 1: -2.738
JAN-1983 / 2: -1.565
JAN-1984 / 3: -5.446
! the same information on a 2D grid of months by years
yes? LIST/X=180/Y=0 Wind_by_month[k=1:6]! Jan-June of 3 years
DATA SET: monthly_navy_winds.des
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1982 / 1: -2.738 -2.331 -3.251 -3.124 -1.818 -2.007
1983 / 2: -1.565 1.051 -0.996 -0.467 -2.952 -3.229
1984 / 3: -5.446 -5.411 -3.861 -5.746 -3.780 -2.792
Notice that the 36 values from uwnd (argument A) were not wrappedonto the X and Y axes of the grid of argument B because both A and B sharedthe same X and Y axes.
The ZAXREPLACE function is a tool to convert between alternative monotonicZ axes, where the mapping between the source and destination Z axes isa function of X, Y, and or T. Typical applications in the field of oceanographyinclude converting from a Z axis of layer number to a Z axis in units ofdepth (e.g. for sigma coordinate fields) and converting from a Z axes ofdepth to one of density (for a stably stratified fluid).
The ZAXREPLACE function takes three arguments. The first argument, V,is the field of data values, say temperature or salinity. This variableis available on what we will refer to as the "source" Z-axis-- say in terms of layer number. The second argument, ZVALS, containsthe values of the desired destination Z axis defined on the source Z axis-- for example, it may contain the depth values associated with each verticallayer. It should always share the Z axis from the first argument. The thirdargument, ZAX, is defined on the destination Z axis. Only the Zaxis of this variable is relevant -- the values of the variable, itself,and its structure in X, Y, and T are ignored.
Simple example - vertical temperature section on density levels:
! a data set based on depth in decibars
SET DATA levitus_climatology
! define density (in kg/m^3)
LET density = RHO_UN(salt, temp, z[g=temp])
! plot the temperature on its native grid
SET VIEW upper
SHADE/Title="Temperature on pressure (with density contours)" temp[z=0:1000]
ppl conset,,,,,,,,.5 ! (to get contour labels)
CONTOUR/OVER density[z=0:1000]
! now plot temperature on a vertical axis of density
SET VIEW lower
STAT density[z=0:1000]
DEFINE AXIS/Z=1022:1032:.2/units="density units"/depth zdens
LET temp_on_dens = ZAXREPLACE(temp[z=0:1000],density[z=0:1000], z[gz=zdens])
SET VARIABLE/TITLE="Temperature on density axis" temp_on_dens
SHADE temp_on_dens
For a detailed example illustrating the use of the ZAXREPLACE functionto analyze sigma-coordinate fields see the FERRET FAQ entry, Howto handle sigma coordinate output in Ferret.
- @CDA (closest distance above)
The transformation @CDA will compute at each grid point how far it is tothe closest valid point above this coordinate position on the indicatedaxis. The distance will be reported in the units of the axis. If a givengrid point is valid (not missing) then the result of @CDA for that pointwill be 0.0.
- @CDB (closest distance below)
The transformation @CDB will compute at each grid point how far it is tothe closest valid point below this coordinate position on the indicatedaxis. The distance will be reported in the units of the axis. If a givengrid point is valid (not missing) then the result of @CDB for that pointwill be 0.0.
- @CIA (closest index above)
The transformation @CIA will compute at each grid point how far it is tothe closest valid point above this coordinate position on the indicatedaxis. The distance will be reported in terms of the number of points (distancein index space). If a given grid point is valid (not missing) then theresult of @CIA for that point will be 0.0.
- @CIB (closest index below)
The transformation @CIB will compute at each grid point how far it is tothe closest valid point below this coordinate position on the indicatedaxis. The distance will be reported in terms of the number of points (distancein index space). If a given grid point is valid (not missing) then theresult of @CIB for that point will be 0.0.
- G=@XACT (exact coordinate match)
Regridding with G=@XACT (or GX=@XACT, etc.) is a request to transfer valuesfrom asource grid to adestination grid only at those positions where thereis an exact coordinate match between the source and destination axis pointson the axis in question. Other destination points will be set to "missing".This transformation is especially useful for taking multiple in-situ dataprofiles, such as oceanographic cast data, and regridding them onto a regular(sparse) grid.
LET xcoarse = sin(x[x=0:20:10])
LIST xcoarse
0 / 1: 0.0000
10 / 2: -0.5440
20 / 3: 0.9129
DEFINE AXIS/X=0:20:5 xfine
LIST xcoarse[gx=xfine@XACT]
regrid: 5 delta on X@XACT
0 / 1: 0.0000
5 / 2: ....
10 / 3: -0.5440
15 / 4: ....
20 / 5: 0.9129
- Negative time axis values are supported
- DEFINE AXIS/unit=MONTHS will issue a warning
- variable name length increased
- In a NetCDF file any "Y" in the name of an axis caused itto be identified (mistakenly in some cases) as a Y axis
- regridding with @mod no longer drops the final subscript
- NetCDF time units which lack hours are now supported: e.g. time:units="hourssince 1992-10-8 0"
- definite integral @DIN in ZT plane used COS(y) correction filler transformations(e.g. @FLN) return original field when component range is insufficient(at edges of field)
Last modified: Wed Nov 26 11:00:56 PST 1997