# my_ferret_paths_template
# Template for setting up a personal FERRET environment
# Copy this file to your own directory area and
# customize it to suit your personal directory layout.
# Then execute (source) it (as below) from your .login file
# AFTER you execute (source) the generic ferret_paths
# example: (in your .login file)
# source /usr/local/ferret_paths (or wherever your system mgr. has put it)
# source $HOME/my_ferret_paths
# These are the environment variables you may wish to customize.
# They are currently set up on the assumption that all your FERRET
# work is done in the directory $HOME/ferret .
# Example: Add a personal ferret-scripts directory to FER_GO
# and two data directories to FER_DATA
# setenv FER_GO "$FER_GO /home/mname/myhome/my_ferret_scripts"
# setenv FER_GO "$FER_GO /home/mname/myhome/my_ferret_data /home/mname/myhome/italy/data"
setenv FER_GO "$FER_GO $HOME/ferret"
setenv FER_DATA "$FER_DATA $HOME/ferret"
setenv FER_DESCR "$FER_DESCR $HOME/ferret"
setenv FER_GRIDS "$FER_GRIDS $HOME/ferret"
setenv FER_MODEL_RUNS "$HOME/ferret/model_runs"