Last modified: Mon, 04/03/2017 - 17:29
Get the options associated with a particular operation.
Get a set of options. The opid comes from the IDREF attribute from the optiondef element in the operation.
{"options": {"option": [
"title": "Evaluate expression",
"textfield": {"name": "expression"},
"help": "Evaluate an algebraic expression. <b>$<\/b> is used to represent the current variable;
you must have at least one <b>$<\/b> in your expression. Example:<p> <b>9/5 * $ + 32<\/b> Convert degr
ees C to Fahrenheit",
"ID": "expression"
"title": "Interpolate normal to plot",
"menu": {
"item": [
"values": "false",
"content": "Off"
"values": "true",
"content": "On"
"type": "options",
"name": "interpolate_data"
"help": "<p>This interpolation affects the interpretation of coordinates that lie normal to the
current view. For example, in a lat-long view (a traditional map) the time and depth axes are normal t
o the view. If This interpolation is on LAS performs an interpolation to the exact specified normal co
ordinate(s) -- time and depth for a map view. If off, LAS instead uses the data at the nearest grid po
int. (To be more precise, it uses the data at the grid point of the cell that contains the specified c
oordinate). <\/p> <p>For example:<\/p> <p>If the grid underlying the variable has points defined at Z=
5 and at Z=15 (with the grid box boundary at Z=10) and data is requested at Z=12 then with View interp
olation set to \u2019On\u2019 the data in the X-Y plane will be obtained by calculating the interpolat
ed value of data at Z=12 between the Z=5 and Z=15 planes. With View interpolation set to \u2019Off\u20
19, the data will be obtained from the data at Z=15.<\/p>",
"ID": "interpolate_data"
"title": "Image format",
"menu": {
"item": [
"values": "default",
"content": "Default"
"values": "gif",
"content": "GIF"
"values": "ps",
"content": "PostScript"
"type": "options",
"name": "image_format"
"help": "Choose the image format.",
"ID": "image_format"
"title": "Plot size",
"menu": {
"item": [
"values": "0.5",
"content": "default"
"values": "0.06667",
"content": "small"
"values": "0.25",
"content": "medium"
"values": "0.8333",
"content": "large"
"type": "options",
"name": "size"
"help": "Sets the size of a LAS plot",
"ID": "size"
"title": "Show reference map",
"menu": {
"item": [
"values": "default",
"content": "Default"
"values": "false",
"content": "No"
"values": "true",
"content": "Yes"
"type": "options",
"name": "use_ref_map"
"help": "Draw a map showing the currently selected geographical region If <b>Default<\/b> is sel
ected, the server will decide whether it is appropriate to draw the map. If <B>No<\/B> is selected, th
e map is never drawn.",
"ID": "use_ref_map"
"title": "Show graticule",
"menu": {
"item": [
"values": "default",
"content": "Default"
"values": "1",
"content": "Yes"
"values": "0",
"content": "No"
"type": "options",
"name": "use_graticules"
"help": "Turn on and off graticule lines on the plot",
"ID": "use_graticules"
"title": "Margins",
"menu": {
"item": [
"values": "default",
"content": "Default"
"values": "false",
"content": "No"
"values": "true",
"content": "Yes"
"type": "options",
"name": "margins"
"help": "Make the plot with or without margins: when no margins is chosen, the axes are at the e
dges of the plot (WMS-style plots). By default margins are shown.",
"ID": "margins"
"title": "Degrees/Minutes axis labels",
"menu": {
"item": [
"values": "default",
"content": "Default"
"values": "false",
"content": "No"
"values": "true",
"content": "Yes"
"type": "options",
"name": "deg_min_sec"
"help": "Format the labels on plot axes that are in units of degrees longitude or latitude as de
grees,minutes rather than degrees and decimal fractions of degrees. For axes with other units, this se
tting will be ignored.",
"ID": "deg_min_sec"
"title": "Palette",
"menu": {
"item": [
"values": "default",
"content": "Default"
"values": "rainbow",
"content": "temperature rainbow"
"values": "rnb2",
"content": "precipitation rainbow"
"values": "light_rainbow",
"content": "pastel rainbow"
"values": "rainbow_by_levels",
"content": "rainbow by levels"
"values": "ocean_temp",
"content": "ocean temperature"
"values": "light_centered",
"content": "anomaly"
"values": "land_sea",
"content": "topography/bathymetry"
"values": "dark_land_sea",
"content": "dark topography/bathymetry"
"values": "ocean_blue",
"content": "blue bathymetry"
"values": "terrestrial",
"content": "topography"
"values": "dark_terrestrial",
"content": "dark topography"
"values": "bluescale",
"content": "range of blues"
"values": "inverse_bluescale",
"content": "inverse range of blues"
"values": "redscale",
"content": "range of reds"
"values": "inverse_redscale",
"content": "inverse range of reds"
"values": "greenscale",
"content": "range of greens"
"values": "inverse_greenscale",
"content": "inverse range of greens"
"values": "grayscale",
"content": "range of grays"
"values": "inverse_grayscale",
"content": "inverse range of grays"
"values": "low_blue",
"content": "low_blue"
"values": "no_blue",
"content": "no_blue"
"values": "low_green",
"content": "low_green"
"values": "no_green",
"content": "no_green"
"values": "low_red",
"content": "low_red"
"values": "no_red",
"content": "no_red"
"values": "no_blue_centered",
"content": "no_blue_centered"
"values": "no_green_centered",
"content": "no_green_centered"
"values": "no_red_centered",
"content": "no_red_centered"
"values": "white_centered",
"content": "white_centered"
"values": "orange",
"content": "solid orange"
"values": "gray",
"content": "solid gray"
"values": "green",
"content": "solid green"
"values": "red",
"content": "solid red"
"values": "violet",
"content": "solid violet"
"values": "white",
"content": "solid white"
"values": "yellow",
"content": "solid yellow"
"type": "options",
"name": "palette"
"help": "Set the color scale of the plot. Only applies to shaded plots.",
"ID": "palette"