Last modified: Mon, 04/03/2017 - 12:50
How to add data on a curvilinear grid from a NetCDF file or OPeDAP URL, and configure LAS to regrid this data to rectilinear grids.
A brief explanation
What is a curvilinear grid? How can we handle such a grid?Configuring by hand
How to edit an example xml file and give the information about the curvilinear gridConfiguring LAS to regrid Curvilinear data to Rectilinear grids
The output product can be on the native curvilinear grid, or regridded to a rectilinear gridImproving performance
When part of the grid is a rectilinear grid, we can speed things up considerablySpecial setup if part of the grid is rectilinear
Many curvilinear grids are actually rectilinear over a large part of the globe. For these grids we can optionally specify a set of X and Y 1-D coordinate axes for use in this part of the grid, and then for requests for data in these parts of the globe, the scripts will treat the data as if it is on the rectilinear grid defined by those axes.Creating and configuring a map file for better zooming
Finding the right set of I,J indices to correspond to a subset of longitude/latitude space takes some doing for curvilinear grids, and the best way to do that involves making a map file as done for regridding to a rectilinear grid