You can now easily specify one of your data sets (and optionally a variable) to be the default data set that is displayed when the bare server URL is accessed. We highly recommend that you do this for your LAS installation.
If you want to make an XY plot the procedure to do this is as follows:
If you are using categories in your configuration you must specify at least two things (the category ID and the data set ID you want to plot by default). Say for example you have organized your data into the following categories:
<category name="by Discipline (Atmosphere, Ocean, Surface Marine, Land Surface, Topography, Bathymetry)">
<category name="Atmosphere">
<category ID="COADS-MON-CLIMO-ID" name="COADS monthly climatology" doc="">
<filter action="apply-dataset" equals="COADS monthly climatology"/>
name="COADS monthly climatology"
In this case, you must tell LAS the category that contains the data set you wish to use. You are not required to assign an ID to an LAS category, but if you want to use it for the default plot go ahead and assign one in you configuration as we have done in this example by assigning the category ID="COADS-MON-CLIMO-ID". The data set itself has an opening tag <COADS-climatology which is what will become the data set ID for this data set. These are the two pieces of configuration you need.
<!-- Set at least the default category and dataset. -->
If you are not using categories, you must specify at least one thing (the dsid of the data set you want plot by default).
N.B. If you only specify a category, data set and variable then LAS will try to create an XY plot of the data set. If the data are not defined in X and Y or if you want to plot a different cross section by default you must then specify three additional pieces of information: the operation id, the options id and dimension abbreviations of axes of the cross section you want plot.
You can look at the default configuration near the top of the las.xml file to get an idea of how to configure in a default for your own data sets.
The las.xml file with a default data set configured.
<institution name="Pacific Marine Environmental Lab"
<!-- Default properties for this server -->
<!-- Set at least the default dataset. -->
<!-- You can also set the variable and plot you want to show initially. ->