Last modified: Mon, 04/03/2017 - 17:29
addXML can be used to generate LAS configuration information from a variety of data sources including netCDF files, OPeNDAP servers and THREDDS catalogs.
The addXML utility is automatically built when you install and configure LAS. The easiest way to run it is to use the shell script provided ($LAS_HOME/bin/ We are no longer distributing addXML as a separate software bundle. If we ever need to distribute an update between LAS releases we'll do so via a "beta" LAS release.
The addXML utility can scan a netCDF data source, like a file or an OPeNDAP aggregation URL or it can scan an entire THREDDS catalog or sub-catalog. Finally, there are a number of options on addXML that you can use to control the configuration created and make your LAS installation work well for your users.