An action and response that will get a list of views that are allowed with a particular variable.
This action will return a list of views that are applicable to particular dataset and variable in an LAS installation. The URL for this action is:
This is a UML of the JSON which is returned.
The response is a JSONArray of JSON Objects each of which represents a view of the data. A view can be thought of as the axes which will be allowed to vary over a range when the product is created. Each member view objectis a JSON Object that is a simple name value pair. The name is intended as a human readable value that can be used in a user interface. The value is a sampling of the letters xyzt (in that order) used to denote the axes which are to vary.
For example, the response for an LAS that contains the coads_climatology_cdf data set and the SST variable looks like this:
"value": "xy",
"name": "Longitude-Latitude map (xy)"
"value": "xz",
"name": "Longitude-depth sections (xz)"
"value": "xt",
"name": "Longitude-time hofmoeller (xt)"
"value": "yz",
"name": "Latitude-depth sections (yz)"
"value": "yt",
"name": "Latitude-time hofmoeller (yt)"
"value": "zt",
"name": "Depth-time hofmoeller (zt)"
"value": "x",
"name": "Longitude line (x)"
"value": "y",
"name": "Latitude line (y)"
"value": "z",
"name": "Depth profile (z)"
"value": "t",
"name": "Time series (t)"
"value": "xyz",
"name": "xyz volume"
"value": "xyt",
"name": "xyt volume"
"value": "yzt",
"name": "yzt volume"
"value": "xzt",
"name": "xzt volume"
"value": "xyzt",
"name": "xyzt volume"